Chapter 3

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I had to walk through the town to get to where I was meeting Hunter. I had put on a cloak and hood that was a dark shade of green, with golden vine embroidery at the bottom and little purple flowers here and there across the vines. Hoping that no one would recognize me I walked down the busy streets.

You would think I would like having a lot of attention, but when you're a princess going down the street you're like a world famous celebrity trying to go to the store. People don't leave you alone and you constantly have someone following you. You probably think it would be cool to be a princess, people waiting on you hand and foot. But it is downright boring, I can't talk to anyone with them knowing that I am a princess and they still treat me like a normal person.

I mean just last week, a man walked up to me and asked: "Aren't you the princess?" "Yes, I am," I said to the man. Whom which started going on, and on about how bad of a job my father was doing running the kingdom. Until Hunter had waited so long that he got worried and started looking for me. I was so upset I was almost in tears, and that's when he found me. I had never been so glad to see him, he put his arm around me protectively and told the man to mind his own business, and led me away, leaving the man completely speechless. I was very grateful for that, he is such a good friend.

Anyway, I was thankfully able to go unnoticed. Maybe it had something to do with the magic tiara I was wearing. Once I reached the forest I walked to the spot that I always meet Hunter. I waited for a few minutes until a bumble bee buzz next to my ear. "Buzz off!" I told it, it flew off and landed on a wild purple orchid, and then I heard a voice.

Not like normal hearing it was more in my head. "Jewel!" Someone whispered, I smiled. to myself. I know that voice. I thought to myself. I looked around trying to find Hunter. "You can't find me." He teased, and then my eyes fixed on the bumble bee sitting on the orchid. I put my basket down and looked at the bee again.

"Are you sure about that, Hunter?" I ask still eyeing the bee. "Yes, I am very sure about 'that'." He said, "Oh, well I guess you're right, I guess I'll never find my Hunter." I said, and he let out a chuckle. Then without letting him have any time to think or move. I used my abilities to control plants and made the orchid close up with the bee inside it. It looked kind of cool, because it looked like the orchid had a mouth and that it had just eaten a bumble bee. "Arrrgggg!" I heard him yell, "Alright! Alright! I give up! You win! Now let me out!" He shouted in a panic. "Alright," I said smiling.

Then, the orchid spit him out as if he didn't taste good. The bee hit the ground with a thud "Ow" he said. A split second later, Hunter was in human form, lying sprawled out on the ground, groaning. I doubled over in a laughing fit, clutching my stomach and gasping for air. Hunter looked at me glaring "Some friend you are." He said, "Sorry, but you had that one coming." I said, trying to stop the giggles. "Well, you're lucky I like you, or I might sting you." He said, he looked at me for a minute trying to stay angry. I smiled at him, and he sighed. "I can't stay mad at you, at least not for long." He said and his face changed to his usual smile. He sat up and looked at me, grinning like a mad man. Then I knew what he was up to, but all I had time for was to say "No" then he tackled me to the ground. I screamed as I fell, of course, I thought I deserved it.

As we fell to the ground he laughed as I flailed out trying to grab something, anything, the only thing I managed to grab was Hunter. I hit the ground clinging to him by his hair and neck. "Ow!" He said again. "That's what you get, for scaring me and making me fall," I said, lightly punching his arm. He chuckles, which made me laugh too.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" I said quickly sitting up. I stood up and walked over to the basket I had put down a few feet away. "What?" Hunter asked, still smiling. "I got some breakfast for us," I told him, as I opened up the basket my stomach growled. Hunter raised his eyebrows. "Have you even eaten at all today?" he asked me with a smirk. "No, I wanted to eat with you. So, you know, I could make sure you ate something too." I said as I pulled out some plates and put bacon on them. "Okay, you got me there. I haven't eaten either." He said, then almost to prove his point, his stomach growled.

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