"It shouldn't take to long to get her under me. After all, I am her boyfriend now.", He smirked again, clearly putting on a proud face to, knowing that it irritates me and makes my skin crawl.

I gritted my teeth as the thoughts and images of Khloe gasping for air as Luke pushes into her filled my vision. They became stronger as his voice kept slowly streaming along and I couldn't help myself anymore from lunging forward. I hadn't even realized what was happening until I heard muffled shrieks around me.

He is in no way, shape, or form her boyfriend.

If it was someone other than Khloe, I wouldn't really give a shit. But the fact is, that it is Khloe, and she will not be treated like a slut. She is far to innocent for him- hell, she's too good for me too- and I will not let her be used like that.

Sure, I'm in this bet to, but even if I were in Luke's place I would just keep holding off until that damn party. And hell, if it came down to that, I'd just buy the shit anyways just so she could still keep her damn virginity.

I watched as my fist repeatedly made contact with Luke's cheek, giving him no room to sneak in a throw. He wiggled around trying to push me off of him and trying to get free, however my adrenaline had over powered his strength. He grunted as the blood from his mouth dripped down my fingers, but was soon flung off as my hand jerked up, but then slammed back down . He grunted again, still trying to push against my body. My heart was speeding out of control, beating against my rib cage as if it was trying to break free while everything in my vision blurred.

He will NEVER speak about Khloe that way! I will make sure of it. He will never treat her that way, and he will never hurt her. I can be sure of that. Maybe if I just bust his jaw and lips enough, he won't be able to say another word, ever.

I felt a blow to my gut but I just groaned, using the pain from that to fuel my next punch. Holding his shirt between my fingers with one hand, I pulled him closer to me as my already bruised and busted knuckles collided with the bone in his nose. I watched as his eyes fluttered before a last blow of air was released through the small opening.

The pain from my split wounds opening again was masked by my anger towards Luke and the agony of not having enough time to finish the job that I had started as I was tackled to the ground by the side.

"Get the fuck off me!" I wiggled around trying to free my hands and my body from the person above.

"Niall. Stop it." Her voice was calming, making my vision blurr again the noises in my head stop as my body automatically relaxed into the floor boards. It was sweet and beautiful. One of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard. I stopped trying to break free as I let my heart rate calm and the adrenaline that was pumping through my veins, settle. "Niall, you need to leave. Just go get some fresh air" Khloe's voice was now much harder and stronger. I blinked a couple times to see Collin straddling me as he pinned my arms by the side of my head. I blinked a couple more times before I nodded.

He's right. I need some fresh air. Something to just distract myself from continuing what I had started. I blinked again, wanting to believe that even for the shortest second, Khloe had been here. Using her voice and the thought of her as a slight distraction, I slowly stood up, taking Collin's hand for support.

I glanced down to Luke who I believe was still unconscious as Louis, Zak, and Zayn all tried to help him. I slowly shook my head, a slight smile tugging at the corner of my mouth. His lip was gushing blood, nose trickling some. His left cheek was a velvet burgundy color, already starting to turn black an blue.

Fuck with me. I dare you, Luke.

I slowly walked past Emily and Eleanor (who I had no idea was here) as the sat in the corner, startled while staring at Luke. They've both seen me beat the life out of someone, but I don't think they ever expected that it would be one of their friends. Both girls watched me as I made my way out the door before I turned to them slightly, sending them a small wink.

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