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Dear diary, 21\10\17
He finaaallllyyyy spoke to me EKKKK I'm so happy he finally saw me in English extra class, heh i may of let my grades drop to be with him •~• its not weird right!?! Heh well no ones going to see this so its fine, but his eyes take you into a different world as if its only you and him in this magical world where unicorns exist and his hair is dark chocolate colour like my FAVE FLAVOUR!! We are totally made for each other!!!
Except there are some problems ;-;
1) His popular 'girlfriend' HATES ME!
2) i cant even look at him with out feeling faint hey i feel it now
And 3) he's way out of my league!!!
Anyyyyywayyyyy time for bed so signing off
XxxxCharlie aka Charlotte beanxxxX •_• haha

A day in her eyes.
"Ahhhhh" i say my joints aching from last nights mental break down where i fell of her bed....2 times TWICE! I had a text from my bestie in the whole wide world holly saying
'Check your ig at harrys page NOW! xx' im so confused why did i have to check har- i stop frantically grabbed my phone shaking and went onto ig "OMG!" I started screaming at the top of my lungs but when i realised the whole town where awake "oops" i thought but really i don't care at all harry my cute dreamy harry had broke up with jasmine bloome.
When i saw i dialed hollys number and waited for her to ring, 'rin-' it didn't even need to ring once and holly was already on the other side of the phone squealing "CHARLIE CHARLIE CHARLIE ITS YOUR TIME TO SHINE GO NOW AND GRAB HIM BEFORE SOME OTHER SNOB MIGHT! NOWWWW GOOOOO ALL THE UN POPULARS ARE COUNTING ON YOU!" she screamed i believed and had hoped she went death for that moment in time, still hearing screaming meant no, i started sighing "holly at least let me wake up im still half asleep.....well i was haha" they start laughing but quickly enough holly broke the laughter with a mean voice "hurry im outside get changed or.....charlie i will come in!!" She threatened"okay okay fine my clothes are here just come in and have some cereal or something okay?" I grinned "i was going to anyway" we laughed i ended the call. I breathed in and the out "this day is going to be grand!!".

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