“Elena?” I questioned. She took a deep breath, then looked at each off us.

“You guys might want to sit down. I have some news for you...” I looked at her, then at Stefan. We both sat down and Elena took another deep breath.

“As I was coming home from the Grille last night, I saw movement in the alleyway. I went to check it out...”

“Elena!” Stefan gasped. She looked at him, and sighed.

“I know it was dangerous, but I was curious.” she said.

“Can we get back to Elizabeth?!” I asked, annoyed at their lovers spat. They looked at me guiltily and nodded.

“Anyway, in the alleyway, was Elizabeth and the youngest Mikaelson, Kol.”

“I knew the Mikalesons were behind this!” I shouted.

“Damon, let me finish.” Elena said, and I quieted down. She took another deep breath and steeled herself for what she was about to say.

“There was a pile of bodies behind them, and more victims lined up. They were each draining someone when I saw them.” she said. Me and Stefan both sat back in shock. Our baby sister went on a murder spree with the youngest Mikaelson?! Why?

“It looked like they were old friends.” Elena whispered. I looked at her and remembered the time she said she had spent with the family. It was possible the two had gotten close.

“So where is she now?” Stefan murmured. Elena shrugged.

“I talked with her. She seemed... almost apologetic about the whole scene. She even had Kol let the last few victims go. I figured they would clean up, and then she would come home...” Me and Stefan looked at each other. Elizabeth had a problem and we needed to fix it. But first, we had to find her.

“I'm gong over to the Mikealsons.” I said. “See if she's still there. Maybe wring a neck or two while I'm there.” Stefan nodded, but Elena started to protest.

“Damon...” she started, then her phone rang.

“Elijah...” she whispered, then answered her phone. She put it on speaker.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Miss. Gilbert.” came the Originals voice.

“Elijah. To what do I owe this call?” she replied.

“I assume you are either with the Salvatores, or will be soon. Am I correct?” he asked.

“You are. They are standing right in front of me and you are on speaker..” she answered.

“Good.” he said. “Elizabeth is safe.” We all breathed out a sigh of relief. “She is out with Rebekah, shopping.”

“Great. She is friends with Barbie Klaus too?” I moaned. I heard Elijah chuckle.

“Yes. Elizabeth is well acquainted with most of us Mikealsons.” Elijah said, answering my question.

“Great.” I said.

“Then why did Kol snap her neck yesterday?” Stefan asked. I frowned and nodded. I hadn't thought of that.

Elijah says. “That is my brother.” he said. “Him and Elizabeth are best friends. They do this kind of thing often.”

“Wait. Did you say my sister is best friends with an Original?” I asked in shock.

“Yes.” Elijah replies. “Elizabeth has a good relationship with all of us Mikalesons, except for my mother and Finn, whom have never met her, and Klaus, for now.” Elijah explains.

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