Part 18: Sam and Rafe

Start from the beginning

"Our mother was also like that. Though I'm sure my little brother already told you that," Sam chuckles and hands me the journal back, "hey, do you want to see something?"

I look up at him and nod, and he leads me to the edge of the rooftop and points down at a motorcycle. "I know you always thought they were cool, and I wanted you to be the first person to check out my new ride."

"That's awesome, Sam! Thank you for showing me," I say while hugging him.

"Anything for you, [Name]." Sam hugs me back, before looking over his shoulder at the Boys' home where Nate is, "Now I need to go see my little brother and show him his present."

"I'm sure whatever it is- he'll love it," I say and Sam starts to walk off, but stops suddenly.

"I almost forgot, I have a gift for you as well," he tells me and pulls out a necklace with a pendant of a bird taking flight.

"Sam, you shouldn't have," I sigh and he places the leather cord of the necklace over my head.

"I wanted to. Now, before you get in trouble, you should go inside," he says and I touch the pendant, before smiling and climbing back through the window. I look outside and Sam waves, "Bye, [Name]."

He turns around and runs across the rooftop, making me smile sadly, "Goodbye, Sam."

~ten years later~

"Rafe." I grin while crouching down next to the brunet multi-millionaire.

"[Name]," he hums and looks at me, "you're going to get in trouble if the guards find you here."

"I thought you'd know me better."

"I didn't say it surprised me. I know you don't care if they catch you," he mutters while smoothing his brown hair back.

The chatter from the prisoners becomes louder, and I look over to see Nate and Gustavo being pulled apart by two guards. "Hey! What are you doing out here!" a guard walks over and rips me away from Rafe's side.

My friend's eyes darken and he grits his teeth as the guard shoves my face down into the mud. I tilt my head to the side, letting out a small laugh, "What are you going to do about it?"

The guard kicks me in my side repeatedly, making me cough and groan. Rafe looks like he's about to tear the guy to shreds, but he knows that I need to get caught so I can help Nate find a clue to Avery's treasure.

"You're coming with me, puta," the guard states and forcefully pulls me onto my feet.

"Lay up on her," Rafe snaps, having enough of how the guard is treating me.

"Want to try that again?" the guard threatens Rafe.

My friend goes to snap at him again when I send him a reassuring look, "I'll be okay, Rafe. Don't worry about me."

"All right, sorry. I'll back off." Rafe raises his hands in mock surrender, before walking away, but not without an eye roll first.

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