Part 18: Sam and Rafe

Start from the beginning

"Ha ha! Karma's a bitch!" Sam grins, and more Shoreline boats pull up next to ours. We continue to shoot the mercenaries while Sam works on the engine, when he suddenly shouts, "I got it! I got it!"

Nate runs over to the wheel on the boat and guns the engine. "Head straight to the bloody island, mate," Harry tells him, and Sam runs over and joins my side.

I glance around at the three guys, biting my bottom lip. Their shirts stick to their chests due to the rain, and pieces of their hair blow in the strong winds. 'Snap out of it [Name]. Now's not the time to be ogling over them' I shake my mind of my thoughts.

The boat suddenly makes a sharp turn, and I grip the railing so I don't fall. "I can barely see out here," Nate says while avoiding some rocks.

Shoreline boats continue to follow us, and Harry, Sam, and I continue to try and keep them off of us. "Nathan, hurry!" Samuel shouts, and Nate keeps swerving around the rocks.

"I should never have agreed to look for this treasure again," I mumble, when a flaming boat hits ours from the right. Our boat overturns and I scream, before plummeting into the ocean water, everything around me going black.

~26 years ago~

"[Name]... what are we going to do with you? Can't you be a normal ten year old girl and play with dolls?" the nun asks me.

"Dolls are boring." I scowl at her.

"Well now you're stuck here with me for the rest of the week."

I huff and snub her, glancing out the window towards the St. Francis Boys' Home, 'I'll just sneak out and meet up with Nate anyway'.

"Ignoring me now, I see," the nun says, and I continue to stay quiet, "[Name], you cant be sneaking out of here."

"You're not my mom. I don't take orders from you," I tell her while standing up. I go to walk past her when she grabs my arm.

"While you stay in this home, you will listen to me."

I yank my arm out of her hold and send her a glare, "I never wanted to come here in the first place. And don't ever lay a hand on me again."

I brush past her and run to my secret hiding spot. I pull out all my journals my mother gave me from when she used to go on her own journeys, a sad smile coming to my face. I flip the journals open and study the notes she made about Cleopatra and her treasures which may be in a hidden temple somewhere in Egypt.

A tap comes from the window above me, and I close the book and climb on top of the bookshelf. "Sam," my eyes lighten up and I open the window.

"Hey, [Name]," he smiles, and I climb out of the window and hug him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, and he ruffles my hair.

"Can't I come and see my favorite girl?"

"You can, but have you gone and seen your brother yet?"

"Not yet. I was just about to head over there, but I thought I'd see you first," Sam smiles sheepishly and I giggle. He notices the journal in my hand and raises an eyebrow, "So, what were you reading?"

I hand him the book and he flips through it with interest, making me smile sadly, "They were my mother's journals. She was into exploring and history."

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