“You’re on!” Luke said. I could tell his was getting closer. Curse his long legs. He soon passed me and beat me to the frozen yogurt place.

Once I got there I put my hands on my knees and tried to catch my breath. Okay, I was pretty out of shape. I could hear Luke laughing really hard so I mumbled, “Shut up, Hemmings.”

“You’re so mean to me!” Luke faked hurt.

“Oh shut up,” I said, pushing him lightly. He smiled and opened the door for me. I thanked him and walked in. Sweet Frog never failed to amaze me. They had every flavor of frozen yogurt you could imagine and every topping.

I ended up getting strawberry yogurt with lots of fruits, whipped cream, and chocolate syrup. Luke picked the chocolate chip cookie dough one and added extra chocolate chips and chocolate syrup. After a few minutes of devouring my food, I looked up and saw Luke looked a little nervous.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

He looked up from his food and nodded, “I was just thinking about James. How are you guys doing?”

“Luke, you know if we talk about him we’re going to get into a fight and I really don’t want to.”

“But, Ellie, you deserve so much better than him! I mean, he chea-“

“Please stop,” I whispered, feeling tears burn my eyes just thinking about that. Luke looked at me and immediately regretted bringing this up.

“Oh my God, please don’t cry. Please? I’m so sorry, I’m such a dick,” he said rubbing his hand over his face.  

I smiled at Luke, “you are a dick, but I love you.”

“Do you wanna go back home yet?” Luke asked, “We could go to that park across the street?”

“You’re such a five year old,” I joked and walked towards the park. Luke followed and looked down at me.

“I think you got some froyo on your shirt,” he smirked. I looked down. He was right; there was a giant spot on my chest. I glared at him and he bursted out into laughter.

“You would be looking at my boobs, Hemmings,” I joked.

He looked away, but I could still see his blush, “you wish.” I rolled my eyes and went over to the monkey bars. “I used to be so good at these,” I bragged. I grabbed onto the first bar and then the second. This is so easy, I thought. On my way from moving my first hand to the third bar I slipped and fell on my butt.

Luke tried to hide his snickers but failed, “are you okay?”

“Yeah,” I mumbled, getting up and knocking the wood chips off my butt.

“Watch a real pro,” Luke said as he grabbed the first bar. He was so tall his feet were touching the ground. He walked his way to the other end of the monkey bars and stuck his tongue out at me.

“Not fair! You’re too tall,” I whined.

“Nope, you’re too short.”

“Meanie!” I shouted before running off to go play on the slide.

After playing on the playground for almost an hour, we decided it was getting late and we should head back to the house. “I’m so tired,” I whined.

Luke must’ve been a superhuman or a mutant because he didn’t even break a sweat while we were playing. “Can I ask you something?”

Luke immediately looked at me, “Of course.”

“Will you give me a piggyback ride?”

He laughed and nodded. I squealed and got behind him. He leaned down and I jumped, wrapping my arms around his neck and he put his arms under my legs. I smiled into his back, “You’re the best. Did you know that?”

“Yes,” he stated cockily.

We walked in comfortable silence back to the house. Once we got to the door he dropped me on my feet. He opened the door and we walked in.

“Where have you two been?” Ashton asked, using an angry mother tone.

“Is that pizza?” I asked, pushing past Ash. Luke giggled and followed me towards the table with the pizza. I grabbed a slice and sat down with the boys. “Do you guys mind if I stay here tonight?” Stella, my roommate, was out of town and I hated being alone.

“When have we ever said no to you?” Michael asked. I shrugged and went back to my pizza.

“I swear, you eat more than me, Ellie!” Ashton laughed, his dimples showing up.

“Shut up,” I mumbled. I had changed into a pair of Luke’s sweatpants (rolled up several times) and one of his 5sos shirts. We had all squished onto the couch and were going to watch a movie. It was Luke’s turn to pick a movie and he, of course, picked Anchor Man. Not that I was complaining, I loved this movie.

I always used Luke as my pillow and this time was no different. I snuggled into him and fell asleep. 

You Belong With Me Instead (Luke Hemmings fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now