Memories from the past

Start from the beginning


" ahhh...and so did you became a ghoul too? I shouldn't have been so kind then. "
Black nerves appeared in his eyes.
" And to say that if you were an human, I would have tasted all of you. "
Even his eyes darkened, just has happened to Yuuki, but in case of the boy they were both.
" Rather, Why do you have only one eye with red pupil? You are disgusting, you know? "

" This guy...I already saw him... and he certainly wasn't like that... "
" Listen, you... this is my territory, understand me, right? "

He slammed her against the wall.
" You're too much!! Don't penetrate my zone! "
He began to tighten her neck as if wanted to strangle her.
" If you're a ghoul of the Undine constituency, you should know that, but what am I saying?! Of course you're not. "
He tightened his grip even more.
" Well, I already lost patience by invading my space. "

In a chocked voice, Yuuki finally managed to speak.
" No, you're wrong, I didn't think that was someone's property, nor did the real Tokyo be split like ALO now! "

"Your territory, you say. It's not yours."
A voice spoke from above. He had an high school uniform, short hair not much in the order of a violet much darker than Yuuki's, pitch black eyes and he seemed to be seventeen years old too...
In any case, he continued to speak.
" This is the area of all the undines. Ryōta. "
He descended from his position.

" Clovis,tsk. "
" And then actually, it's under our special supervision. "
" Ugh... The naughty children like you are right on the...! "
" As for me... Meeting idiots who think that deserve my respect just because they're older, really shocking. "

He tried to kick him but the boy dodged it without any problem and counterattacked with small and quick movements almost invisible to the human eye.

" Tsk. They're just superficial wounds. "
" Yeah, for sure. "

On Ryōta's body appeared multiple cuts that didn't seem...unimportant.
" Probably next time, I'll have to cut you a lot deeper. "

" Tsk. Damn kid! "
The man in his twenties escaped taking also the poor corpse.

" Take that body and go away, weak, I'll ask Kaya-san to take care of it. "


" And who is this? "

The girl with short purple hair was still on the ground folded in two.
" What are ghouls? They kill people, they didn't have connection with their fellows...They have no moral concepts...this the worst! "

" It seems advanced meat... "
" As if I could eat it, I'm sick of all this,
I've had enough! "
" What an idiot...I'll help you then. "

Clovis removed a piece of the lifeless advanced body and put it in her mouth.
" Eat it! "

" Argh!! "
Yuuki began to spit out, not wanting to digest human flesh.


" What is it? Eat. "
" Why am I doing this?! That's not what I want! That's not the way! Human flesh... I can't eat it. How could I?! I am an human being!! DO YOU THINK I CAN EAT IT, EH CLOVIS?!?! "

" So strange... I think that I already met you...but where?! ... Actually.
It doesn't matter. "
He began to beat her without mercy.
" In any case, you are neither a human or a ghoul, it is true, this means that you don't belong anywhere! If you want to be on the human side, go ahead, but I assure you that the hunger of a ghoul is a real hell. "
And he got out stealthily.

" So he says I'm not a human...
I suppose he's right.
A person who can't survive without the flesh of other isn't normal, it doesn't matter how you look at it.
Neither a ghoul...nor an human...
There is no place for me.
What should I do...
From now on...there's nobody to talk to, I'm alone. I don't even know where the others of the guild are and...Asuna...Will I be able to live like this?
But wait, I still have to reach this place assigned by Dr. Kurahashi. I shouldn't lose hope! And surely I will be able to find everyone...even Asuna! "
Yuuki thought, looking at the piece of paper with the address.
1* Clovis is on the cover of the chapter. If you ask who he is, he was one of the sleeping knights ( I don't know if he was a boy or a girl but I imagined him male so... XD )

2* However, the fact that Yuuki's favorite food is Crêpe, it's true.
It's written in the light novel 7.5 which is about Yuuki, Aiko and the third member of the guild, Merida pasts. But it's materially available ( unfortunately) only in Japan. The digital version is already translated in English and it is on Internet.

See you on the next chapter!😊

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