There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back: Quinn

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Have you ever walked into a room full of people that you absolutely hate? Well, I have many times. I'm sorry that was a terrible lie, every damn day I walk into a room of people I strongly, passionately, and horrifically hate. As you can tell, I'm not really a friendly person. I blame my dad for most of it, because the way that I'm talking right now is exactly like him. I don't have a single thing related to my mom. Nothing. Well, I have her nose, maybe... It's just, hers is bigger than mine, so that's why I consider it a maybe. Anyways....
My name is Quinn Parker. I have light brown hair that will always and forever be straight. Nothing I can do to it will make it curl. It's actually really annoying. One time, my dad bought me this $800 curling iron. I know. $800 right? And I tried to curl my hair with it, and it amazingly failed. I got so mad I threw it to the wall and shattered exactly like glass does when it hits a tile floor. I never told my dad. Our little secret.
Let's see, I'm 5 '2' yes, I'm extremely short. Goal is to reach 5 '3' because I know I can be taller, so I'm just going to eat more vegetables. Hopefully that will work. Before I graduated high school my nickname was "shortie". I seriously hated it, but not even a natural disaster could have stopped people from saying that damn nickname.
Earlier, I mentioned entering a room of people you hate. I said that because everyday except Saturday and Sunday's I go to this school for hair. My mom put me in it because she thinks I need more inspiration because she did and became successful. So might as well. I don't know what the school is called, it's really not a "named school" like the name is faded on the building I don't even know it. I'm also just too lazy to ask my mom what the name is. Plus, I forget too. I'm trying to be a hairstylist, and hopefully my life will begin to take off. My class starts at 8am to 12pm.
Now, the same people who take the same class as me are the people I hate. They all talk, sweat, laugh, argue, itch, and breathe. Just flat out annoying.
I walked in and walked to my little area where a doll head was already ready for me. I placed my bag gently to the floor and just waited for class to begin.
"Quincy! How's my girl." I looked over with a death stare at the same guy who is stationed right next to me everyday. His name is Jackson Peters. He's about 6 foot with black hair. He's kinda cute, what's stopping me is the shit that comes from his mouth. He bothers and annoys me every single day. Why? Because he talks and talks and just talks.
"It's Quinn Jackson." I hissed.
"Quincy fits you more." He smiled liking the fact that he can get under my skin.
"Would you like if I called you Jack Jack?" I replied.
"Of course. That's the baby from the Incredibles. He's badass!" He yelled in excitement.
Grow up.
"Is he bothering you again?" I looked to my right as Angela a good friend began to talk. Now this chic, I think she's so pretty. She has beautiful blonde hair and does her makeup so professionally. I think instead of being a hairstylist, she should be a model.
"Everyday." I answered back.
"Jackson instead of bothering Quinn, go shave your back." He grew quiet. I let out a little giggle hearing her say those words.
"Come on Quinn, there's going to be a day where I'm not going to be here." She grinned.
"I don't think I'm mentally prepared for that day to happen." My eyes widen.
"Alright you wannabes. Are you ready to start today?" Mrs. Clay walked into the room with same Starbucks drink, iced mocha latte, and the same bright pink lipstick. It's so gross, it's always on her teeth and one time I tired pointing it out to her, but I couldn't embarrass her and myself. Can you imagine how weird that would be? She would be like, "why are you starring at my teeth?"
"Parker!" She yelled as I jumped.
"Can you squeeze between this crack and get me my pencil I dropped it." I frowned.
"Because I'm small right?" I said walking and getting the pencil for her.
"No, well maybe. You're considered a midget."
"Actually people under 5 foot are considered midgets." Jackson interrupted.
"She's close." Mrs. Clay replied.
"I'm not a damn midget." I mumbled under my breath.
"Everyone in this room is taller than you."
"I KNOW PEOPLE! IM FUCKING SHORT OKAY?!?!" I snapped as everyone grew quiet.
"Please. Can we start class." I begged walking shamelessly to my doll head.
"Of course. We were just waiting on you." Jackson said.
"Of course you were Jay Jay." My eyes widen.
"What did you call me?" He asked in confusion.
This is my everyday life. I hope it will get better, but as for right now it's just kinda average.

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