Chapter 7

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Twiggy's POV

I slip on an oversized shirt as my pjs. I put on my Star Wars slippers and run to the living room. Marilyn is in the kitchen making popcorn. I sit on the couch and look around. After about fifteen seconds of staying still I get up to go to the kitchen. I hop on the counter and watch as he pours soda in two cups. I take a handful of popcorn and eat it.

"Thanks, again, for letting me go home and grab clothes to spend the night." I say. I was originally going to go to his house right after practice but I needed clean clothes to change to so he dropped me off home and let me get my stuff. It was from 'I need a place to stay tonight because I ran out of money for the bus home' to 'fuck it, lets have a sleepover'.

"It was no problem, Twiggy." He says. I carry the bowl of popcorn and he carries the drinks to the living room. "Video games or movies?"

"Movies, I guess." I say. He nods and puts in a random movie.

"I just got this movie, it's some kind of new horror movie that's still in theaters. My friend got me the bootleg version." He says and I laugh. We eat popcorn and sip our drinks.

"I hope it's good." I say as the movie begins.

"Yeah, hope so too." After about ten minutes into the movie the lights and the tv turn off. The room, the whole house actually, is pitch black. "Fuck," Marilyn mumbles.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Yup, that's what I forgot. I knew I forgot to do something. I forgot to pay the electric bill so they cut off my electricity. Dammit to hell. Hold on, I'll try to find candles in the kitchen. Sorry about this." He says.

"It's okay, this happens to me a lot. Last week they cut off my water." I say to try to cheer him up. I hear his chuckle. He makes his way to the kitchen with some crashes of furniture he runs into and some swearing from him hitting himself by accident with the furniture.

"Aha! I found some. Now, I need a lighter. Can you feel around the coffee table and tell me if you find a lighter. I run my hand across the table slowly incase I hit my hand on something. I feel different items I locate. I then find one that I believe is a lighter. I flick it and the tiny flame sparks up.

"Found one!" I yell.

"Here I come." I light the lighter so he can get an idea where to head to. He lights the candles and places them on the coffee table. "There, that's better." He says. The room is lit where you can barely make out what is what.

"What should we do now?"

"I dunno. All I have that's a game, that doesn't require electricity, is D&D. That game will take a lot of room, people, and time." He says. "Any other ideas besides games."

"Any alcohol?" I suggest. Maybe a shot game can be fun.

"I ran out. I finished it yesterday, and I don't have money for some." I sigh.

"Hide and seek!" I squeal out. "You close your eyes and count to ten." I say. "The base is this coffee table." He laughs and covers his eyes. He starts to count and I scramble to my feet. I go to the kitchen and find the biggest cabinet. I crawl inside of it and close the door behind me.

"Ready or not!" He shouts. I start to laugh. I still think this damn game is entertaining. "Where are you, Twiggy. Come out, come out, wherever you are!" His voice sounds like he's in the hall. I take this advantage of his location to quietly walk over to base. I open the door and it creaks quietly. I start to tip toe over to base. "Hey!" Marilyn yells. "No!" He yells as I run over to base. He tries to chase after me but I touch the coffee table right before he tags me. "Dammit!" He says and laughs, I join his laughter.

"I hid in your cabinet." I say and smirk.

"You fit in those?" I nod.

"Now, count again!" I say and point to him.

"Again?!" I nod. "Fuck it, I'm going to bed." He says and walks to his bedroom. I hop on his back and he grabs my legs to make sure I won't fall. "Come on. Time for bed." He says and puts me on the couch that's next to his bed. He climbs into his bed. "Goodnight!"

"Goodnight." I say back.

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