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I woke up in a dark room covered in plush blankets. The bed felt large, much more luxurious than anything I've slept in before. The floor was reflective, nearly clear enough to be a mirror. Everything in the room was black besides the pillows and sheets.

A buzzer went off at the door as a storm trooper walked in.

"The supreme leader summons you to his audience chamber. I am to escort you there." I nodded to him and he left. I went to the closet and found nothing but black. Most of the clothes were dark robes with a few dresses on the end. I grabbed a heavy robe, one to demand the authority I deserve. Is was angular and long, hiding small pockets on the side. It was loose, obviously not intended for combat. With that I exited my room to the trooper guarding my door. As we strode through the hallways, other troopers backed away standing tall, some even bowing. In my head I chuckled at this show of power. Everyone here was afraid of me, and I liked it.

We arrived at a larger door than all the others

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We arrived at a larger door than all the others. It opened to a humongous chamber with red fabric draped as the walls. Guards dressed in red circled the room. A large throne holding a damaged old man sat in the center. The power inside him radiated like nothing I've ever felt before. I felt weak in front of him, knowing I was no match. When we stopped I dropped to my knee in a deep bow.

"Rise my child." I stood up, still keeping my head down. "You must have so many questions for me. It must intrigue you on why I brought you here."

"I am curious my lord." He laughed for a few seconds before beckoning me closer.

"You are strong with the force my child. Your power has become quite the sensation on Nar Shadaa. My apprentice, Kylo Ren, grows weak. His heart yearns for the light. This last mission has shown me how weak he has become." His tone becomes more distasteful by the second. "I need you to be my new apprentice."

No matter how I tried to hide my shock, my emotions showed through. This was everything I dreamt of. On Nar Shadaa, Kasse has books and books of the ancient Sith and their teachings. I had learned some techniques from that book but my hunger for knowledge grew. Soon enough those books were not enough. This would satisfy my thirst.

"I would be honored to become your apprentice, Master."

"Good, good. I'll have to disguise you as an assistant under the general so Kylo Ren does not discover why you're really here. It was a mistake having him on the mission in the first place."

"Yes sir." I bowed once more.

"Now go, General Hux is waiting outside my chambers to show you your quarters and to give you instructions." A guard walked up to escort me out. I stood up and followed the guard and sure enough the General was waiting for me."

"Lieutenant Rivan, I am to show you your quarters and work space." He spike showing no sign of weakness.


"That is to be your title while you're in disguise."

"Ah. You know, no one has shown as much courage when talking to me. You lack fear, something everyone else has."

"The supreme leader was wise to choose you. You're observant and from what I've heard, cold blooded." A small smile dented his cheek before it was swiftly replaced with his cold demeanor.

"Snoke has quite the aura, utterly terrifying."

"At least he hasn't wiped the floor with you yet."

"I suppose he hasn't, and I won't give him a reason to."

"You're very wise indeed." I felt warm from his words. It conflicted with my anger, my rage. I had to dispel it before I begin training.

"Here you are. Use the communicator if you need anything and I'll dispatch a trooper." He left leaving an ache inside. More emotions I need to dispel by tomorrow.

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Sky-Fall [General Hux x OC]Where stories live. Discover now