Another day, another loss for May

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May's POV

I had just gotten changed into my clothes for the festival as it was required to do so unlike the other regions where it's casual. I had brought with me a simple red dress that ended at my knees and were wavy at the bottom. I wore leather boots that ended just a bit above my ankles and to top it all off, I had my hair out of its usual pigtails and into a high ponytail.

Fiddling with the ends of my dress, I waited backstage for the appeals round to begin. Although I had been waiting for a while, I had not once seen Drew since before when he had seen my training. Without giving it too much thought, I watched the performers on screen and nervously awaited my turn.

"Next up is May who comes here from Petalburg City, all the way in Hoenn!" Marian exclaimed introducing me to the audience as I appeared from backstage and waved at the crowd with a huge grin on my face, masking my anxiousness.

"Blaziken, Delcatty, take the stage!" I called as I released my Pokémon from their pokeballs and an effect was added for both of them from the seals that I used.

From my training earlier today, I managed to pull off the same moves skilfully and impressed the judges leaving me wondering if I made it to the second round or not. I was walking through the hallway that went backstage and I saw Drew walking through, a smirk on his face.

He wore a fancy purple jacket thing over his t-shirt and some long black pants to go with it.

"You look nice in your clothes." He complimented me as we passed each other.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I replied calmly, desperately trying to hide the blush that was appearing on my face.

I raised my hand for an unexpected high five and he paused for a second before deciding to high five me back. I smiled a bright smile at him and said, "May the best coordinator win."

He nodded and walked off to the stage while I turned around with a huge grin on my face as I approached backstage. Smooth May, very smooth. I rolled my eyes at myself and kept walking. Looking at the screen I saw Drew finish his appeal round with Absol and Flygon who were gracefully performing their moves. It was amazing to watch, but that gave me more doubt. I started to feel uneasy so I sat down on a bench to stabilise myself.

The Grand festival appeal rounds had finally ended and they were about to announce the coordinators who were moving on to the battle rounds. The faces that showed up on the screen were unfamiliar until the third coordinator who was none other than Drew himself and I was next to him on the screen. I silently cheered to myself, grateful to have been successful.

Round two was going to happen tomorrow. I had plenty of time to prepare for the battles, and hopefully I could finally beat Drew.

I had just arrived at the Pokémon centre and I had decided to call home.

"Hi mum!" I greeted my mother as her face appeared on the screen.

"Hi May, it's so great to speak to you. How has the Grand Festival been so far? Did you make it to round two?" She asked me.

"Of course. I'm a bit nervous though. What if I'm not good enough to make it to the finals, or not good enough to actually even win the whole competition?" I rambled.

"May, you'll be fine. Have some faith in yourself. You and your Pokémon didn't do all that training for nothing you know." She smiled at me through the camera.

"You're right." I smiled back in agreement.

"So, are you and Drew getting along well." My mum smirked at me. "You know what I mean."

Failure (contestshipping story) - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now