The Sinnoh Grand Festival is here!

Start from the beginning

I looked around for the registration desk in a hurry while my breathing was still fast paced from all the running. Finding it, I tiredly walked to the woman at the counter.

"Registration for the Grand Festival please, I'm not too late am I?" I exclaimed in worry as I regained some energy.

"No worries, you made it right on time. So if you can let me see your ribbons and contest pass, you'll be registered in no time at all." The woman said reassuringly.

"Oh thank you so much, here you go." I said appreciatively, giving her my ribbon case to scan and my pass.

Checking my bag to make sure I had my clothing for the contest and the correct seals to be used on my pokeballs, I walked away from the desk.

Upon arriving in the hall, I had pretty much nothing to do in the remaining hours of waiting before the festival began. I sat on a nearby bench and took that time to think about my previous loss at the last Grand festival.

"Masquerain, use silver wind on Beautifly and Roserade use petal dance on Skitty!" Drew called to his Pokémon.

Both attacks hit hard on their opponents and caused a huge explosion on the battlefield.

"This battle is shown to be a tough one to overcome for both May and Drew and it all comes down to this moment to see who wins this years Hoenn Grand Festival!" Vivian exclaimed.

With a frown on my face, anxious to see if this was the end already, I clenched my fists in hope that I still had a chance to win this, even just the slightest.

The smoke cleared and there left a breathless Roserade and Masquerain with a fainted Skitty and Beautifly.

"With an amazing finish, the winner of this years festival is none other than Drew! Both competitors fought hard and well and deserve a huge congratulations to both the coordinator and their Pokémon!" Vivian cheered along with the crowd.

Sighing, I still managed to smile as I approached my two Pokémon who looked worn out but they had sad expressions on their faces, the weight of failure on their shoulders.

"It's alright you two, you both did great you know." I smiled widely with reassurance.

They looked up at me sadly as I returned them in their pokeballs and went over to congratulate Drew before returning backstage to where I would watch the award ceremony.

I watched the screen as I saw my rival flash a rare smile at the judges as they presented him with his first ever ribbon cup. I sighed and played with my fingers as the crowd departed and the whole event ended. This was his dream, and he made it, Drew deserves this, that means I'll just have to try harder.

"I'll do better next time, I promise." I mumbled to myself in confidence.

"I know you will." A familiar voice said in front of me. "You should be going home right now you know?"

"I know that, it's just, I lost again. I though I had caught up to you, but I didn't." I sighed again but still smiled up at him. "Thanks Drew for an amazing battle. Your Pokémon are really strong, maybe too strong for me."

"So are yours May and you know that, have a little more confidence in yourself." He paused before telling me, "I'm already off to go and compete in some contests in Sinnoh, I hope to see you there. And have this."

Ending the conversation and giving me yet another rose, he walked away not giving me a chance to answer him. I felt my cheeks had heated up somehow and I now covered my face with my hands in embarrassment although no one else was here.

Why am I blushing?

End of Flashback

I felt my face heat up as I recalled those moments after my loss. As you can already tell, I continued my contest journey out here in Sinnoh while occasionally meeting up with Drew at contests here and there and competing against one another.

His words had been stuck in my head ever since I started my journey in Sinnoh.

"Have a little more confidence in yourself."

I feel like a have a lot of confidence in myself already, but do I really?


I hope this isn't too short or too boring, I'm sorry if it is.

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter so far.

More events will happen very soon in more chapters to come.

Okay bye now ^_^

- April (my real names not April by the way, but we'll keep it as this)

22nd jan, 2018

Failure (contestshipping story) - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now