Chapter 22: In Which I'm Only Human er Vampire

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"I am a feared I have run afoul of an evil vapor," I intoned in a theatrical voice, pointedly fanning myself. I figured the best thing was to diffuse the situation and I had settled on a plan. Of course, no one understood what I meant. Hell, I barely even understood it and thought for a second that maybe I should have brought football up after all. "I am not feeling well," I tried rephrasing. Recognition lit their faces. I barely stopped my eyes from rolling. "Brother mine, would you escort me home please?" I asked, knowing that Eric needed to leave and that it would be better for Godric to stay. His intuition was seriously handy and hopefully he'd be able to get some more information.

When he didn't respond, I looked up at him. His eyes were still locked on Mr. Cabral's face, the muscles tight in his jaw. Suddenly he looked down at me and the intensity in his eyes nearly made me swoon. It took massive self-control not to rip my clothes off and jump on him like white on rice on a paper plate in a snow storm.

"Of course," he said, his voice rough. My ovaries squeezed a little bit. Stick to business, Stackhouse! I turned to Anne and Henry, deciding a slight head bob would do it this time.

"My lieges," I said, realizing immediately how stupid that word sounded in plural. "Please forgive to have the evening too short," I almost wanted to shrug my shoulders at them in the age old I don't know what's going on, either gesture. They were learning to deal with my fool ways pretty quickly, though, and didn't miss a beat. They just nodded regally, dismissing me. I looked at Mr. Cabral and nodded curtly before turning to face Godric. He smiled softly, taking my hands in his.

"Good night, my dearest," his voice was low and sent a thrill through my core. Either these two were trying to give me a sensual heart attack or I was just seriously in need of a good roll in the hay. He leaned in to kiss me goodnight, his full lips pressing against mine firmly. I was surprised when he quickly pulled my bottom lip between his teeth, his tongue running over it softly. Which was equal parts unexpected and super-hot. He let go and leaned back, eyes on fire. Heart attack, they were definitely trying to give me a heart attack. I knew there was no way Mr. Cabral could not sense my 'agitation' and wondered if that was the sole purpose for the racy kiss. As if he sensed my doubt, Godric reached up and cupped my chin in his hand for a moment. As his thumb softly caressed under my jaw, I knew that the kiss hadn't been for show. Which kickstarted my damn uterus.

I glanced at the others, not sure if PDA was normal in this time. I noticed that Charles was gone already but couldn't recall him leaving. Henry looked on approvingly, Anne looked shrewd as always, and Mr. Cabral looked a little taken aback. I'd have guessed that he had originally thought Eric and I were mates and Godric was an acquaintance. After that kiss, though, he was not so sure. I could almost see the wheels turning in his head as he realized that they were both my mates.

Wait, were they both my mates? What the eff! I hadn't technically been with either of them at that point in time, although it was stupid to even try to deny the attraction I had to both of them. Bond or no bond, I definitely had it bad. Honestly, I wasn't sure how much longer I would make it without sex anyway. I had always had a healthy drive and it had only increased after I became vampire. Like, tenfold. Not to mention that fact that in the future, Eric and I were basically little blood suckin' rabbits, considering how often we got physical. My resolve was definitely compromised. I pulled myself back to the moment, knowing that this was soooo not the time to be having that particular internal debate.

"Come, let's away," Eric took my elbow and in moments, we were on the streets. He was clearly perturbed and not saying much in the way of conversation. Had I been human, I wouldn't have been able to keep up with him at all. I was only worried that we'd be spotted moving so quickly but I didn't want to dally either. The sooner we got to the lair, the better.

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