"Ahhaaa" I heard him groaning in pain.

"I'm sorry dad. She didn't call us even once after she went there. So it's not my fault to assume that way" he defended himself. So my dad smacked him hard.

"You deserve that Dumbo" I laughed and at the same time Akshaya arrived with a plate in her hand.

She raised her eyebrow and I mouthed her home. She nodded and started mixing Dal with rice.

"So how are you dumdass?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine bud"

"So how's work there? Are you able to pick up or still..." I cut him off.

"I'm efficient in my work unlike someone"

"Give the phone to me" Kavya took the phone.

"Hey bf"

"Hey bff! How are you? And how's my cutie pie?" I asked her in enthusiasm.

"We all are fine here girl. Your cutie pie is sleeping now. He had been missing you lately" she replied and my smile grew wider.


"I'll talk to him tomorrow" I said.

We spoke for about ten minutes when the phone was roaming from one hand to another. Here, Akshaya was feeding me my dinner. She knows very well that I won't eat dinner after my call ends and she leaves to her room.

I'm so thankful for such lovely family and devil friends.

"You all have spoke enough. Let me talk now" Priya snatched the phone and I heard shoutings from behind. I guess she ran to her room and locked the door.

"Hey" she chirped.

"Hey dear"

"Have you ate?" How sweet of her!

"I'm eating buddy"

"So how's your day? It must be bright and shiny!" She asked and I bet she has a smirk on her lips.

"What?" I was clueless about her words.

"Your love of life is beside you, so obviously you must be in clouds right?" She said, leaving me stunned.

I chocked my food and Akshaya patted on my head. She gave me a glass of water and I drank it all in a gulp. I asked her to wait for few minutes. She nodded and I concentrated back on my phone.

She knew?
But how?

"He.. how d...did?" I couldn't form a proper sentence out of shock.

"Oh come on! I'm the great Priya. What do you expect from me?" This girl! She's so full of herself!

"Priya, just shut up and tell me how do you know?" I asked, annoyed.

"The other day Harish called us" she dropped a bomb again.

"He called and you people didn't bother to tell me?" I was fuming in anger and poor Akshaya, she gulped looking at my anger for the first time.

I'm not such a person who gets angry at petty things. But if you get me annoyed, you'll never know to what extent I can go.

"Geez, my ears. Stop shouting you woman" she said and this was like adding ghee to the fuming fire.

"God damit! Just speak up, will you?"

She started narrating when Harish called them the day before my departure from there. So when Kiran took Harish's name, he actually called up.

But what she told me next shook me to the core. He was supporting Yash!

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