The Malfoy Heir ring was a thin silver band encased in diamonds and attached to the Malfoy crest. I place this one on my left ring finger and all the knowledge from the Malfoy line is instantly known to me. The Black Heir ring was a thin gold band encased in black onyx stones and attached to the black family crest. I place this on the same finger as the Malfoy's ring and the Black family history is transferred to my brain. All the rings were magical firing and shrunk to my size upon being put on.

"Is there anything else that needs to be done or discussed?" Tom asked

"Yes. Just one more thing" Namarook replied. He then waves his arm and a full length mirror appears. "Would you like to see what you look like, Harry?"

"Of course. It'll be interesting to see what I look like without the glamour" I say standing up and walking towards the mirror. What I see when I get there makes my jaw hit the floor.

I have long, (reaching just above my buttocks) bushy cobalt blue hair, eyebrows and eyelashes and my eyes are yellow and look like they are sparking. *(Like the eyes of the boy from the movie 'Insideous')* my skin was white, almost translucent with what looked like  dark tree bark sticking out of my neck going up arround my now long ears that looked like those of elves only curved at the tips and up towards my face and changing into blacky-green scales. Four small black horns stuck out of my hair making a spaced cluster at the top of my head *(like the Basilisk from the movie)* and curving slightly backwards. My wings look a little different now as opposed to before. They were still black that shined blue, but now there seemed to be an electric blue glow emitting from them and encasing them.  I was even taller than I was before. I used to be 4'9" and now I estimate myself to be 5'3".

"Wow, I look awesome, and I'm willing to bet that it continues below my shirt, but-"

"It is fine Harry. You do not need to remove your top here" Namarook said while Griphook nods his agreement "you can do that later and write us to let us know what you look like, if you want to that is. It had been a while since a Nightshade inheritance- we thought the creature to be extinct and that no one would ever inherit it. Same with a Spry. Although it is a common creature, no one has inherited it for over two hundred years. One thousand for a Nightshade. Not to mention the Basilisk. That one has never been heard of. A Midnight Veela is common enough though."

"Once, just once, can't I be fucking normal."

"Language" Tom says.

"English" I reply back. Tom adopts a look of mock indignation, but you can see the amusement shining in his eyes. The two Goblins however openly smirk at my quick whit. "Namarook, Griphook, I would like you two and the other four Goblins that did the cleansing to take 100 galleons each for all your aid."

"We will. Thank you" they say bowing to me. I bow back and wait for Tom to join me before leading the way out of the room and back towards the floo./

It is at that moment that an Owl from Gringots soars through the open window of the room I'm staying in. I take the four letters and give the Owl some treats. Only once it has left the room do I study the letters and smirk;

Mr. kobaru kaen

Mr. Tori Kaen

Miss. Tsubame Kaen

Mr. Asuka- Kaen

I exit the room, closing the door behind me and rush down to the lounge in search of the others. Upon entering I realise that they are all sat close together talking. It seems that they are trying to come up with a plan to get me out of the room. I clear my throat to announce my presence. "Hey-"

"Finally! We've be worried about you" Draco sighs obviously happy that I'm downstairs.

"Sorry, I've been working on something important."

And what, pray tell, is so important that you lock yourself away for three days, not eating and barely sleeping?" Severus drawled.

"Well if you read these you'll know" I say handing the four letters over to him.

"Four? As in one for each house? How will you manage this? They are obviously siblings and quadruplets for that. How will you find people matching these requirements?"

"I won't. However if I clone myself three times, add memories and alter said memories to fit the clone then it will be possible. I just have to make one of the clones female, which shouldn't be that hard. Give each of them the required personality, and hey-presto. We get one for each house. It's foolproof!"

"It's not a bad plan, considering it's coming from a dunderhead such as you, but might I ask who is who?" 

I hand the plans over to him. He reads them and then passes them around. 

• Mr. kobaru kaen- me- Slytherin;

• Mr. Tori Kaen- slightly more musclier than me and Asuka- height 5'3"- stubborn, smart, strong, brave, daring, and honourable- favourite colour red- favourate food chicken, vegetables, chocolate, apples, bananas, kiwi, potatoes and liquorice- dislikes spicy food, hard candy, chips, gravy, treacle, pizza and rules- allergies none- likes quidditch- doesn't trust easily-Gryffindor. 

• Miss. Tsubame Kaen- serious yet lay back, very smart, loves to read, a quick learner, witty and wise- healthy weight- height 5'- favourite colour purple- favourate food beef, gravy, vegetables, apples , bananas, potatoes, hard candy, chips, treacle and pizz- dislikes spicy food and rules- allergies kiwi and lactose in tolerant- dislikes quidditch- doesn't trust easily- Ravenclaw.

• Mr. Asuka Kaen- bubbly, smart, fair, loyal and kind- skinny and muscular- height 5'3"- likes nearly everything- dislikes mints and spicy food- allergies strawberries, pumpkin and mango- neither likes not dislikes quidditch- doesn't trust easily- Hufflepuff.

• Create a mind-link.

• Have some of their own memories, replace my name with theirs when spoken to directly, add memories of each other.

• All know the plan.

"Do you think it can be done?" Severus asked Tom.

"Yeah, but there are two problems with this; one Dumbles will know that the other three are clones and two; the names are Japanese- you don't speak Japanese."

"Parselmagic- I've fount two spells that will make it so that the three clones are real. It's almost impossible to tell that they are clones. The only way to do so is if you cut one, the other will bleed as well. Hence quadruplets. I can just sprout some nonsense about having a soul link. I also found a spell that will make it so that I know how to read, write and speak Japanese. If I do the spell on myself now then when we transfer everything to the clones they will know it to."

"We better get started then" everyone sighs with Toms announcement, since he said 'we' to the entire room.

Book 1- Fill the VoidWhere stories live. Discover now