I moved away without a word and began to stroll toward the water's edge looking out as the sun bounced off the ripples in the lake.

"Hey," came a voice from behind me.

"Hi Tonks," I said quietly.

"I saw you leave," she explained, "Figure I should come talk to you."

"Thank you, but I'm okay."

"You're not. I'm sorry though, you must be feeling the worst of all us."

"What do you mean you're sorry?"

"I just mean you didn't just lose Dumbledore, you lost your father too in a way. Sure, he might not be a good guy, and he did just murder Albus Dumbledore but he's still your old man and you're bound to love him. It just sucks you had to lose him too, and I'm sorry."

Finally someone understood why I was even more upset than I would've been about just Dumbledore's death, "Thank you," I replied quietly, "I just feel like everyone thinks this is my fault too somehow."

She shook her head, "If anyone thinks that they're a fool, but none of us do. You got hurt and betrayed just like the rest of us. You were just closer to Snape than the rest of us, it's bound to hurt more."

"It does hurt," I confessed, "I can't believe he did this, and I hate him more than anything, but he's still my father."

"I understand," she told me.

"Mind if I cut in for a little bit?" came Sirius Black's voice.

"Of course," Tonks told him then started to walk away.

"Thank you Tonks, for talking to me," I shouted.

She turned around, "Anytime."

I turned back to Sirius who wrung his hands and said, "I know you probably haven't given this much thought since there's been other things on your mind but I know you are all leaving after the funeral. I was wondering where you're going to go?"

I shrugged, "I was going to stay at the Hog Head Inn for a few nights, I have some money saved up. Then I can get a Muggle job and get an apartment or I can camp somewhere if I buy a tent, or I'll get a wizarding job and stay at some Inn. I'm not sure yet totally."

"That's what I thought you were going to say, and I can't allow you to do that. There's no way I'm letting you stay on your own while all of this is happening. That's why I was going to offer for you to stay at Grimmauld Place with me Remus and Tonks. Harry has to go with his aunt and uncle for a little, but then he's going to come back home too."

I was overcome with gratitude for the man in front of me, "That would be amazing, thank you so much Sirius."

"Of course. Gotta protect family, and you're certainly family now."

I smiled at him, albeit a small one and hugged him shortly before the two of us returned to where everyone was now standing.

"I suppose you can take the Hogwarts Express," Molly said hesitantly, "We will wait for you to bring you home though."

"Thanks Mum, we just want to ride it once more, in case we never can again," Ron replied kissing her cheek.

"We will see you at King's Cross then," she said speaking for all the adults.

The adults all left, and we all began to walk up to the castel to gather our things. Ginny, Luna and Neville had gone up to grab their trunks a few minutes ago so now it was just Harry, Ron, Hermione and I.

Ron gazed up at the school in front of us, "I can't believe it might now open next year. I can't imagine not coming here next year. Can't you Harry?"

"Even if it is open next year, I'm not coming back," Harry told us.

"I knew you were going to say that. WHat do you plan on doing?" Hermione questioned sadly.

Harry shrugged, "I have to go to my aunt's for a bit still for my protections. Then maybe I'll go see Sirius and Remus a little then I think I might go to Godric's Hollow, I'd like to see my parents. After that I have to start hunting down those Horcruxes don't I?"

"Well you can't do that alone, we will be there with you Harry," Ron spoke.

Harry looked alarmed, as though he hadn't counted on this happening, "Oh no, I didn't mean to say you guys should come or anything. It's going to be dangerous."

"We are with you whatever happens Harry. We are in this with you," Hermione told him.

"You just have to wait long enough for Fleur and Bill's wedding before we go Horcrux hunting," ROn added, "But we will come get you from your aunt's then we can stop by Grimmauld Place, go to the wedding and then we can leave."

In my mind I knew there was no one I was going to be able to go with them. They would be at a greater risk if I was there with them, and someone had to stay behind and protect Hogwarts if it reopened.

For now though, I had one more hour with the greatest friends on earth before summer vacation hit us and we really had to start planning for the war ahead.

End Book Five

Wow guys that's it for this one. I can't believe the amount of time and work I put into this book and this series as a whole. The next book will be the last one I write about Jessica, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't emotional about that. She and I have been together for a very long time now. Either way, if you're to this point in these books I can figure you've been enjoying my writing so thank you for that, and I'll have the next book up shortly, thank you all so much for all the support, I love each and every one of you :)

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