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So today we went to the audition for two more girls to join our group bc our manager said that we have known each other far longer than anyone else and we need new recruits so we held auditions and only two girls will be picked and then after we have to tell them what they are going to be doing and since I'm the leader of the group I will be starting it of by dancing boombayah and so we are dancing now and there are three men who came for the audition even though we said girls only but we can't have them ranting on about how we don't let them audition but we will and then we will pick girls so yeah .
    After four minutes and eight seconds of dancing we were done with all of our introductions and now we have our first auditionor whose name is Sara kings hi{see comments}and she was pretty good 😊 so I thought she could be one then we saw one of the men he danced horribly and we were terrified with the sight so then we went saw another six girls there names were
   -Ciara shima
   -Georgia bottman
   -yezin white
   -aqua white
   -hope white
   -scarlet heart
I thought the triplets were pretty cool Jennie said ,but I liked the he first one we saw jisso said excited ,I liked hope and scarlet they had something in them that was pretty cool but I don't sense there non-human side I said sadly, rose stood up and said pick 4 of the girls and then me and Kayla will go and test and quiz them for on their singing,flexibility,hunting,etc. Then we had made a decision and picked out 4 girls  the triplets and scarlet so then me and rose went and tested them for all of the requirements for our group and only two of them passed with flying colors the other two got good marks except that last thing when we said they had to hunt down a animal two of them were vicious and the animals were slaughtered and obliterated I was so surprised 😶 to the point I was spechless so yeah when aqua and yezin came back I was really worried bc they had blood dripping from there hands and down their legs .

  While the two girls were cleaning up we decided we would choose the four of them because we didn't want to separate the triplets and there best friend who had most likely known more about them than I'd ever know When we told them that the four o...

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  While the two girls were cleaning up we decided we would choose the four of them because we didn't want to separate the triplets and there best friend who had most likely known more about them than I'd ever know
When we told them that the four of them were picked they were happy so we had told our manager that we chose 4 of them and now need a bigger house to live in and right away our manager called and asked what type of house we want and jisso said I want victorian style me and Lisa said modern and the triplets said that they want modern to and Jennie said I just want it to be big and then it came down to scarlet and rose and then they said black and pink with gold modern style mansion and then we told the manager what we want and he said just wait 10mins and we followed the order and the the van came and picked up us and then we came to a gorgeous mansion and first we saw the garden

  While the two girls were cleaning up we decided we would choose the four of them because we didn't want to separate the triplets and there best friend who had most likely known more about them than I'd ever know When we told them that the four o...

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