Beginners Crush

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          College is tough, all the papers, assignments, test, and don’t even get me started on the finals. I mean you could kill someone during weeks prior cause of how stressed you are. For me though it’s not homework and papers that fills my brain. His name is Malikai and he is my Art History professor. It’s really embarrassing how we met I can tell you that. Ugh just thinking about it makes me red in the face.

       I had gotten into work a few minutes late. I ran into the changing room, changing my clothes was the toughest part of the day, I mean with my fur and everything. I sat down on the bench and put on my skates. I never really thought that I would be working at a bar and grill where even the men had to wear the small crop tops and short shorts, not that I minded or anything I usually wear those types of outfits. I pulled at the short to adjust them one last time, making sure that my tail wouldn't get caught somehow.

       I skated out of the room and into the employ lounge which was really a lounge, not that small tight room stuff. Shiloh walked up to me, his tail sway side to side along with his hips.

       "Sweetie." He said with a bit of a stern tone. I knew what was coming.

       "I'm sorry I'll try my hardest not to be late again." I spoke in a rush. He chuckled softly.

       "It's fine Sugar I know you try." He placed his hand on one cheek. "I have a hard time with being on time myself."

       We both laughed as we went to get our orders.

       "What do these heathens want tonight Lenny?" I asked

       "Ya know the usual, burgers, beer, and your ass." Lenny snickered placing the plates onto my tray. I sighed lifting up the heavy tray with both hands and skated towards the table. I stopped myself right at the edge of the table.

       "Hey guys my name is Retta and I'll be your server today." I put down the food and drinks, "here are your things, if you need anything else don't be afraid to howler'" As I turned around I got a small pat on the rump from the guy at the table. I did nothing as always, it just seemed better not to make a scene. I skated to a man who had just sat down. His werewolf features were prominent in his face. I stopped at his table.

       "Hello welcome to the Sticky and Sweet, I'm Retta and I'll be your server. Is there anything I can get you?" He looked up at me, his droopy brown eyes were so round and beautiful. I felt a tint come to my cheeks.

       "A beer would be nice, and some nachos." His voice was deep and thickly.

       "S-sure be right on that." I skated away writing down the order. The heat grew across his face.

       "Lenny I got a beer and nachos." I handed him the order slip.

       "Here ya go Re." He handed me the tray. I shivered touching his rat hands they always felt weird to me. I skated over to the table.

       "Here you are."

       "Thank you."  He smirked.

       "Hey Sugar you got anotha table." Shilloh yelled from across the bar.


       I skated over to the table. I groaned silently when I when I saw who was at the table.

    “Hey Re-Re, how's it be goin?" Mike said with a big grin on his face. His canines sparkled.

       "Hey Mike, whatd'ya want?”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2014 ⏰

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