Chapter 2

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Ten minutes later and I'm wondering why I bothered worrying. The school is packed with students flooding into school late so no one even notices me sneaking into my tutor class. It's a big change from my old school, where it was so silent that if you even sneezed in a classroom at the front of the school, udsomeone at the back of the furthest classroom would ask you to shush.

As I already had my timetable sorted, my tutor gives me an awkward introduction to the class and points me to a seat. Much to the chagrin of the girl beside who, when told by my tutor make me feel "welcome", shoots the teacher a look so deadly, it would murder 5 people at once. The girl,Sara I think, had the looks of an angel but judging by the nasty expression etched on her pretty face,highlighted by the imaginary smell under nose, her personality was the complete opposite. Her long, blonde hair was tied back effortlessly into a fish-tail plait, her almond-shaped, blue eyes expertly outlined in black kohl and finished off with perfect mascara. Typical spoiled bitch, I thought to myself but I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. I mean, looks can be deceiving,right? Wrong! The second I opened my mouth, Sara snapped," look here, I don't give two shits if you want to be friends or not. I've got plenty of better friends than you so I don't need some country bumpkin stalking me, got it?" Yeah, I had got it. I wasn't welcome.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. A stressful, overwhelming blur. I have never felt so claustrophobic in my entire life. The school was just full to the brim with students pushing and pulling through the corridors like rush hour traffic. I was dragged to nearly every by the wave of people racing to their next class. I felt like a battery hen trapped in a crowded cage, waiting to be set free. Yet, even with the swarms of people surrounding me, I still felt alone. Sara dumped me like an apple core is flung into an overflowing bin after we left the tutor and swanned off with her equally pretty, equally nasty clone friends. Sara seemed to be the queen bee in our year as everyone followed her lead. I didn't even get a whisper from anyone all morning.

The canteen was a nightmare of horror film proportions. By the time I had entered, the place had become an overcrowded feeding ground for the various cliques that inhabited this school. Everytime I tried to sit down, I got the cold, hostile looks that lions give other predators to warn them to back off their prey. Luckily, I had a packed lunch, so my forty minute break was spent in the library, eating my ham sandwich and trynig to do some home . The only people in the library were serious 6th year cramming in some study time and some frantic 1st years desperately finishing some essay for the next class. It wasn't really a breeding ground for friendship.

When at last the final bell chimed, I was already close to tears and I couldn't wait to get home. The classes after lunch were spent by Sara and her clones mocking me while I pretended to be both deaf and obivious. Not a fun way to end the day.

N.E.W Girl (nervous,eager,wtf just happened to me?)Where stories live. Discover now