new life

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Okay... I don't know what's happening... It seems like a movie, i'm having dinner with a family I don't know at all. Okay, I will explain for you guys: my name is Rebecca, I'm not very tall, long blond hair, brown eyes and I've got a lean physique. I'm from Italy, more specifically from Verona, you all know that city I guess, anyway I'm in America now, Louisiana, New Orleans, because I'm an exchange student so I will be here for one year. I'm just arrived and the one word that I can say is: oh my god that's weird. Yeah, because I'm eating with my host family. They are talking to me but I'm not listening, of course not! I'm exited, worried, confused and a lot of emotions everyone together. They are nice and cute so I'm quite good now, but in any case it's totally new for me, everything! First of all for the food, in second place for the language, I'm not very good in English in Italy, but I can understand it so that's good.
I have a host sister that has got my same age (17 years old), her name is Branda. She's nice.
Today it's Sunday, so tomorrow I supposed to have school, but it will be my first full day in America so I can stay at home to unpack the suitcases (a lot of) and to calm down a little bit.
Now I'm going to sleep, of course I've already told my parents and my friends about the new family, I miss they yet.
Good night everybody.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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