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Tapping pencils,

Boredom looms,

Wandering aimlessly,

Through these rooms,

Chewing on your jumper cuff,

Running fingers through your hair,

Doodling on your magazines,

Just to cool to care,

Little brother at the window,

Cheering on his chosen one,

Pointless little silly games,

That looks heaps of fun,

But you’re too old for that rubbish,

Instead you’re happy being bored,

Scrolling down the Chanel website,

Looking at things you can’t afford,

Little brother squeals and jumps,

Asks you if you want to play,

Major dilemma in your head,

Well – no one will see you anyway…

So you choose a raindrop,

And watch so eagerly,

And it nears the finish line,

Now you’re jumping with glee,

No one really is too old,

Or too cool, or too proud,

To enjoy raindrop racing,

On a day filled with cloud.

* Author's Note:

Who agrees? I love racing raindrops - I'm such a child (: 

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