What Is Death?

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The three children shifted,

From foot to foot,

The bit their plump lips,

She took four dainty sips,

Of the drink in her hand,

And asked them boldly,

Children, please tell me,

If life is all that we see,

What is death?

The three children wriggled,

And shurgged thier small shoulders,

Her cigarette turned to smoulders,

Crushed under her shoe,

She nodded at the first,

Who said: 'Death is in the sky,

We will only know when we die'

She dismissed him,

Turning then to the rest,

'Tell me,' she muttered,

'Is it true what he uttered?'

The two remaining were silent,

As they looked out the window,

Then one of them replied,

'Can we tell if we've already died?'

She said nothing at that,

Only ushing the girl out,

Whilst the youngest was stiff,

The lady smoothed out her quiff,

She adjusted her shirt,

And she sighed a big sigh,

'What do you think, child?'

'I think we are only wild,

Crazy animals that do not know,

Whether death is above or below,

Whether we die once or more,

But although our knowledge is poor,

We know only one thing,

Life is now.'

The lady opened the door,

She did not want to do this job anymore.

The child was anxious to return,

To his mother,

And the two, lady and boy,

Left the counsuelling room.

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