Busy Little Scurry

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Qing thought he won that argument hands down but you will all hear a different opinion if you ask me. I don't know. Do you need the other person's opinion or admittance to be really sure that you won an argument?

(Yes. I think so.)

Oh I see. So that is why there is a judge in court trials. We should have gotten a third person while we argue so that person can decide who won the argument.

Qing and I just don't know the word give up.

I mean, I am not a stubborn person, you know. That is my lover. But I think Qing's characteristics are rubbing on me. Is he infecting me with stubbornness? How? When we kiss? Do people get the other person's personality when they kiss? I don't think so.

Anyways, forget my rambling. What happened is actually funny. No, we didn't argue like we fight. Qing and I love debating against each other and if we argue, it's to keep our brains sharp and our vocabulary updated.

We are good at that.

Anyways again, the story started one afternoon after I clocked off to work early. I am thinking of cooking Qing some dinner. It's been "ages" since I cooked my lover some dinner. What's with the whole holiday thing and me getting sick at the start of the year. I think taking care of Qing got into the backseat of my priorities.

Which is not good. I mean, Qing is self sufficient. He can feed himself and can also cook. He even cooks for me. But still, he is my lover and I want to take care of him.

So while I was in our walk in closet to change into my indoor garments and ready our meal, I chanced upon an unusual thing inside one of our shared cabinets.

A phone. A cellphone.

(Ahm, Dayu, sorry to say this but a cellphone is quite common now)

I know. I know that cellphones are quite common now and a necessity in our everday lives, but you see, this particular phone should not be here because...we don't need a fourth phone in our home.

(*gasp* you have three phones in your home?)

Yes, I have one and Qing got two.

(Baba has two phones?)

Yes. I know. Shocking right? But you have to understand, the man has business dealings and he doesn't want to mix his business phone with his personal phone. I mean, did I raise hell when he got another phone...yes. Because you all know what they say about a man with two phones...

Qing: (frowning) He has business dealings.

Me: (at the same time) He is cheating.

Qing: (eyes widening at what I said) WHAT?

Me: (confuse at what he said) What business dealings?

We stared at each other in stunned silence. Qing squinted his eyes on me.

Qing: So you think, because I have two phones, that I will cheat on you?

Me: Well, not really. But let's admit it. A person with two phones is highly suspicious. Why do you need another phone?

Qing: So I can store the numbers of people I do business with on one phone while I have my regular phone for personal use.

Me: Why can't you use your regular phone for business dealings?

Qing: Because I don't trust those people enough to give them my personal line. My personal line are for people close to me and whom I trust.

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