Joining the family... again

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(Y/N) was walking home from school when five boys stopped her. She looked at them confused and tried to walk passed but one grabbed her shoulder. "The elf king wants to see you," he said. "I'm not playing that anymore," (Y/N) replied. "He knows that but he wants to see you, you are (Y/N) correct?" (Y/N) replied, "yes but what does he want?" The elves shrugged and started dragging her towards Kyle, or the "elf kings" house. When the six entered, the five elves bowed and went back to their posts. "Why did you kidnap me Kyle?" (Y/N) asked impatiently. "We need more good warriors, we are losing to the humans and though you were once a human, we are willing to let you join us," Kyle replied. (Y/N) thought for a moment and finally said, "what do you need me for? You have Stan and Jimmy what use would I have?" Kyle smiled, somewhat evilly and said "you would be our spy, posing as a human and retrieving the stick of truth for us elves." (Y/N) gave in. She remembered how fun it was to play with them. It was exciting and let her escape from her real life problems. She agreed to play and bowed to the king, running home to change into her ropes, while also taking her old sword out. She was excited to be a part of this again and couldn't wait to trick that idiot Cartman into trusting her.

(Y/N) walked down the street confident, searching for the green house that held the walkway to Kupa Keep. She walked into the house greeting Ms. Cartman and going into the back yard. Clyde and Scott noticed her, Princess Kenny waved to her as she walked into the grand wizards tent. "Your greatest warrior has returned!" (Y/N) said with fake pride in her voice. Butters ran to her and hugged her while the fata- I mean wizard simply grinned. He didn't suspect a thing and he welcomed you back.

~sorry it's been so long I had no clue what to write about but hopefully you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!~

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