Chapter One

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It was supposed to be a normal day at school. Just like every other, scattered with pop quizzes and exams. People laughing, joking, people studying. People together, people alone, people walking and sitting and standing about, being pointless. People being fake or being themselves. A school personality is not usually what someone really is.

There was not supposed to be a dead student in the library.

Even with all of the distractions of other human beings in school, the inevitable demise of the kid was pretty unexpected. Change at Grovesgrave High was so annoying, and a body was lying on the floor in the way of the Ra – Ru fiction authors, eyes closed, was a perfect example. He could have been sleeping, was it not for the horrible contortion of his legs under the bright lights of the library. If it was not for the little metal ball sticking out of his knee that could easily have passed for an obscure piercing. But the thing was sticking out of the leg slightly, easily removable and probably would fall out if the body was moved. Unnoticeable, almost, and a perfect weapon. Revealing my cellphone, I opened camera application and snapped a few pictures for reference. The position, the little silver ball, the face of the victim of whatever dealt the crime. How I loved a good mystery. Carefully pulling the metallic pin out, attempting to act as only a curious passer-by, I studied it in the illumination. A simple student crouched by the dead body of one of their classmates.

Granted, I myself was not a completely innocent individual myself. Skipping the third hour by going to the Bibliotheca was not what I had expected myself to do. But after listening to the drone of chemical reactions and why water was a polar molecule and what Particle Theory was and why it worked... Well, anyone whose attention span was as short as my own would have done the same. Besides, I needed a few books on criminology theories to try and solve Mom's new case and had ended up wandering in the lovely birch shelves towards the fiction area. The blissful escape of fantasy worlds pulling at my sleeve while I tried to actually do something useful. And I suppose I did; I found a body. Though I was not the first, which soon became obvious.

Pounding feet awoke me out of my trance and suspicions, probably teachers that had been alerted that for heaven's sake, there was a dead man in our school library. God, I was so stupid. If they found me by the fellow, I was going to be a prime suspect. Pulling out a tissue from the pocket of my pea-coat- Wait, nope, that's a nicotine patch. My bad. I wrapped the small silver ball up, this time with the correct material, careful not to prick myself on the sharp protrusion coming out from it. For my own studying. There was no saying that the police would be able to look at this body and diagnose it just as I had, though my own theories were a bit "out there".

Light-colored shelves passed by from my peripheral vision as I raced to the side door of the library, closest to the athletic side of the building. There weren't many teachers on that side, given it was mainly used for after-school activities and whatnot. I highly doubted that someone would have run to that side to tell someone there was a dead guy on the floor. No, they would have gone to the side of the building more densely populated with teachers, not only to get the news round faster, but for the subconscious sake of their own safety. They'd feel more secure surrounded by "trusted adults". Even though one of them could have been a killer. Human psychology was so predictable. Not only that a teacher as a suspect would be a very interesting case indeed, and I'd gotten an A in psychology. Goes to show how qualified I am to insult the human race whenever I could.

The chatter from classrooms' green-outlined doorways, standing out against the brown and white brick of the walls, was buzzing louder and louder as I passed. Carpets changed patterns and colors as I moved through different sections of the school, checking on what different classrooms were doing. Chills went up my spine at how normal everyone was acting, even though teachers were currently investigating the death at that moment. Even after you pass, the world will keep on spinning. Gravity doesn't stop for just anyone, I suppose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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