Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Why was I even dragged here when I wasn't needed?" I muttered under my breath. We were just waiting here, wondering what was happening upstairs. I was kind of considering listening into their conversation, but resisted. I wasn't that bad of a person, right?

But there was something else on my mind that didn't have anything to do with Dad's return. It didn't even have to do with the brother who I was mad at just a day ago, who was currently suffering from a bad cold at home. No, there was someone else on my mind: Cole.

He looked awfully familiar, yet I couldn't recall seeing someone with the same jet-black hair and hazel eyes. But I was sure I saw someone like him before - even after the Institute messed me up. I couldn't put my tongue on it, though.

It was bothering me, big time.

I heard the sound of Alyssa's bracelet rustle as she moved her arm. Mutters were coming from her, Taylor and Jessica though I didn't bother to listen in. It wasn't that interesting, at least, I didn't think so.

It was when I heard Taylor speak my name that I looked at the group of girls.

"We're going to my room for the time being, Lauren. Come with us," She spoke. I shook my head, not wanting to get out of my seat now, not when dinner is close. "Well, too bad, you're coming."

Jessica was the one who grabbed me by the arm, dragging me out of the dining room and up the stairs. When I asked what the king would say about us going upstairs, Taylor replied saying that they were probably in King Jacin's study, which was a sound proof room.

Huh, probably why I couldn't get through to their conversation the first time, I thought.

Taylor unlocked the door to her room, pulling the gold key from her skirt pocket and sliding it into the gold lock on the doorknob. I really shouldn't be surprised by all the beautiful rooms in the place but her room was equally beautiful. Painted a royal purple and gold, all neat and tidy - not a dust in sight. A four-poster, king-sized bed was placed in the center of the room, the pillows placed neatly at head of the bed. A desk and dresser was there, as well as a mirror covering the entire width of a wall.

"Wow," I breathed, then turned sharply to the girls standing next to me. "What am I doing here again?"

"Something's on your mind," Alyssa said simply. She plopped down onto a couch next to the bed.

"And..." I turned around to face Taylor. "we know it has to do with boys."

I slowly started backing away from the girls. I couldn't figure out my feelings alone... I didn't need my... friends butting in. "I'm fine, really. We're all just friends. Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing, nothing at all."

But Jessica slammed the door shut behind me before I could leave, standing in between me and the exit. I mean, I could've just pinned her on the ground but we really didn't need blood staining the black rug.

"Lauren, just sit," My cousin said. "We're all friends here, you can talk to us."

I crossed my arms. "You know, Jess, you never really striked to me as being one with advice about boys."

"Oh, I'm really not into this type of thing, Taylor and Alyssa dragged me into this," She stated, a smile on her face. "I'd rather do something much interesting."

I looked at her, then at Taylor, then at Alyssa, then back at Jessica. It didn't look like I was going to get out of this soon - at least without talking. I really just wanted them out of my personal life... maybe I could figure this out on my own.

But what do I know about feelings or boys?

"Well... uh..." Were these people really my friends? Do they really care about me? Can I trust them? I took a seat on the edge of the bed, where Taylor and Jessica joined me. "I might be falling for a guy."

This statement took no one by surprise. There was even a look on Alyssa's face saying I-told-you-so to one of the girls.

"Or two."

Eyes widened. Did they really think I had feelings for one of them?

I drew in a deep breath, thinking about Cole again. The time we spent together was... interesting. He was a good guy, I think.

I don't like him. I couldn't possibly.

"Maybe three," I admitted.

Alyssa got up from the couch and walked towards me. "Girl, you haven't even started high school, yet your love life is a mess."

-- : --

ehh... could probably do better but wanted to get this update out since i didn't update last week. i'll be back tomorrow.

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