It was imperative that Harry return to Privet Drive.

When Voldemort returned, as Dumbledore knew that he would, Harry was needed in such a mindset as to willingly sacrifice himself in order to weaken Tom which would then give Dumbledore himself the opportunity to finally rectify his mistakes from decades past. Of course, as the vanquisher of Lord Voldemort, his influence over the wizarding world would reach unparalleled heights. The fact that it required the death of the boy was regretful, but necessary.

The boy being here with his relatives for the summer, in conjunction with a stay at the Burrow beginning after his next birthday, would ensure that he was impressionable to Dumbledore's own subtle wisdom and influence. It was all part of his master plan. The fact that the boy had run off simply couldn't be allowed to be tolerated. No, this independent streak had to be squashed quickly.

A way forward was instantly found. A simple memory modification on the Dursleys would allow the boy to return to where he was supposed to be. Then he needed to get to the Ministry and the hearing, sweep away this minor inconvenience, ensuring Harry's awe and gratitude, deal with the boy's misguided independence and then return him to where he belonged.

With a last stroke of his beard, Dumbledore turned his wand to the three befuddled muggles sitting in front of him.


Harry sat nervously outside the room within the Department of Improper Use of Magic where he'd been told to wait. According to his watch, the trial was due to start in ten minutes. He really wasn't sure if he'd be able to stay seated quietly that long. Already his left leg was bouncing rapidly all by itself. Even holding it with both hands couldn't keep it completely still.

"Mister Potter, you may come in now," the stern brown haired woman who'd introduced herself earlier as Madam Hopkirk instructed.

Hopping up from his chair, Harry cautiously made his way through the door. Swallowing through his suddenly dry throat, he looked around.

The room was fairly small with a long bench-like desk intersecting it into two. A single hard-backed chair sat in the middle of what remained of the side of the room closest to the door. On the opposite side of the bench, he could make out three chairs. An additional chair was placed to the right side of the desk. At Madam Hopkirk's direction, he sat in the single chair closest to him.

He watched as Madam Hopkirk rounded the bench before taking the centre seat. A folder full of parchment was opened and she began shuffling through them. The sound of the door opening behind him spun Harry around in time to see two more people enter.

The first was a young man in deep plum robes. He carried a sheaf of parchment, a couple of quills and bottles of ink to the side chair where he began setting up ready to take notes. Harry guessed that he was a secretary or scribe of some kind, obviously only just out of Hogwarts.

The second person caused the tightness in his chest to loosen slightly. Madam Bones gave him a brief nod as she rounded the desk to take the seat to Madam Hopkirk's right.

When everyone was seated, Madam Hopkirk looked to the young man, nodded and began to speak.

"Very well. Let's begin."

Unfortunately, the beginning of the trial was delayed as the door opened once more. Harry turned in his chair to see a squat woman in a ghastly pink cardigan and an insipid smile on her face waddle into the room.

"Undersecretary Umbridge, I wasn't aware that you were attending this hearing against underage magic," Madam Hopkirk stated, her eyebrows high on her forehead.

"The Minister thought that it would be advantageous to learn more about Mister Potter," Madam Umbridge replied in a surprisingly high girlish voice.

The Cupboard Series 2: Hermione's Book NookWhere stories live. Discover now