Chapter 1

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     John Diggle had long accepted his role as back up. Despite taking the hood a few times from Oliver, John had always accepted even those times he was just filling and that it was only a matter of time before Mr. Queen resumed his nightly duties. John wasn't hero in the hood, nor the speedster that was bolting around Central City. He was just a regular guy, and John learned a long time ago in Afghanistan that tactical support was just as vital to the success of any mission. John Diggle knew his role and he did it well because not everyone can be the alpha; he was content to be someone's back up. Yet one evening as John sat alone looking out his living room window, his wife and little boy were fast asleep, he wondered if this was the most he would ever do. John was never the kind of man to accept his limitations but the presence of the Flash and other meta-humans was slowly starting to change that. These changes made John feel a lot smaller and weaker than ever before. The presence of Supergirl didn't help out either as John was seriously worried about his safety. Rather than worry about it to much, John went the fridge to eat some leftovers but it he wasn't two steps towards the microwave when the cell phone buzzed in John's pocket. Any call at this time of night only meant one thing; it was time to get back to work. He pressed the button and opened the line.

     "What's going on, Felicity?" John asked.

     "We got a lead that needs following up on." she replied.

     "Alright," John said, as he stated to walk the food back to the fridge, "Tell Oliver that I'm on my..."

     Just then glass shattered all around him as a bright light shone into the room. The light shone into his face so brightly that John dropped his phone to cover his eyes. The light was almost like the sun but the biggest difference was it was suddenly all around him, encasing him within a circle. The light was hovering around him, slowly surrounding him like a hand that was reaching in and plucking him out of the living room. And that's exactly what it did as John was sucked out of the living room through the broken and flung outside. To his surprise, John wasn't falling to his death as the green orb was carrying him away. The speed of this orb had begun started to increase, to the point where it was similar to the speed Barry would carry him at. John began to bounce around in the light as if it was a bubble, carrying him off to some far off distant place. Turns out the light only went as far as the Coast.

     Just like his arrival, John came crashing through the window and rolled into the floor with a rather harsh thud. When the light finally died down and he was able to see again, it didn't take John very long to realize he was in someone else's house. He slowly got back to his feet and took a few seconds to adjust to his new surroundings. There was a man standing at the other end of the room.

     John took two steps back when he spotted him. "Where the hell am I?"

     The man on the other end of the room raised his hands to signal that he wasn't a threat. "Don't get all bent out of shape. I'm not going to hurt you."

     "I said where am I?" John asked again, his patience thinning.

     "Relax man," The guy said, hands still up. "You're in Coast City."

     "Coast City?" John repeated as he did the math in his head. "But that's over five hundred miles. How did I cover that much time in what was only minutes?"

     "You'll get used to it." The man replied, "It takes time to make the adjustment."

     John didn't like the direction this conversation was taking but he needed more intel. "Who the hell are you?"

     "I'm sorry about that," The man said, "I'm Hal Jordan."

     "John Diggle." John replied.

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