Chapitre Three: The Route of Nowhere

Start from the beginning

"Okay, boys. I don't have any word to say to all of you. Just to remind that, remember to have fun and play to the fullest. Okay?" Francis stated, encouraging his boys before they left for the second half. As usual, the boys kept their fighting spirit high, and that assured Andros so much. In any battle one goes, fighting spirit and high morality are the main factors to enhance his or her winning chances. The coach was aware of such aspects too well.

The boys went out from their changing room, led by their captain, Andros. In the middle of their way out, they met the Rozens, Johannes being the first in the line. "Andros, I remembered you said that the Goddess of Victory had smiled on you, but hey..." he grinned which displayed his evenly white teeth. "I think she had a mind change and granted us her winning smile. Isn't it cool?"

Argyros burned in anger. Instantly he felt that the uneasy feeling he had all along was just getting deeper. Those words, those attitudes were actually a disgrace towards the nation's next ruler. That was just too much. "Argyros, don't do it," Andros warned his best friend as he grabbed the silver-haired boy backwards. "Johannes, I will proof that to you. Believe me." He sounded and acted with high pride in himself. The latter seemed to be frightened about Andros' warn. Argyros read the whole situation, of course he understood well that his captain was being serious this time. Something he will put everything on stake; for him was not serious in everything. Unless for his passions. Andros walked away, leaving his arch enemy in anger. So did Argyros and the rest of the Imperials.

That was... What was that? Argyros monologued. Something bad is definitely going to happen to His Imperial Highness. My heart says so. The Crown Prince is in danger. He pressed his rose red lips tightly as he joined his team to resume the second half. His greyish eyes glared at the Rozens, but they became tender when he gazed at Andros a little. I am going to be your shield, my prince. Even if I have to sacrifice my own life. He had made up his mind. He was not going to waver again. This time.


The stadium became livelier, heated with audiences' cheers and drum beatings when the two teams made their way into the field. They were cheering, singing songs, talking, discussing, taking selfies, and some even made themselves as a TV reporter. Andros and the Imperials, as well as the Rozens, went to their respective positions on the field. Andros quickly glanced at his rival, who was soon to quick to cut the eye-contact between them. He understood well, because without revealing his true identity, he will be able to join a fair play. Argyros knew it too, because Andros was kind in nature. Too kind to become a demon emperor. (Oh yes, in this dimension, even though you are a demon, you are not necessarily to be a bloodlust demon, and vice versa for fairy clan).

"Are both of you ready?" asked the referee to both Johannes and Andros. This time was the Rozens' opening kick. The Rozen's captain replied confidently, "Any moment."

The referee changed his eye-contact from Johannes to Andros. The red-haired captain just replied with a thumbs-up and a smile. I am not going to let you pass through me again, and I really mean it. Andros narrowed his eyes while focusing on the ball located just a few inches away from Johannes' right foot. The moment the referee blew up his whistle, Andros rushed towards Johannes, marking on him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, with that kick marks the opening of second half of the match between the Imperial Academy and the Grand Rozen Technology Academy. And, look at the Imperials' number 7, Andros von Nordsternhaufen is now challenging the Rozens' number 10, Johannes Clipton. Can Andros defies Johannes' attack? And look at that!!!!"

It was when Andros tried his best to tackle the ball out from Johannes and he succeeded, however....


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