Chapter 23: Faith

Start from the beginning

"Thats good," I smiled. "So tell me about your mother since I'm pretty sure you have an impression of how my mother is like already."

This seemed to lighten up the mood as he chuckled at my comment, "Well, my mother is very kind, and patient. She never gets angry. When she's upset she doesn't yell, just tells me. I'd honestly rather be yelled at because talking to me in a kindly manner makes me even more guilty for whatever I did." He grinned at this thought. "She's very strict with manners thats why I'm like this." Cameron gestured to all of himself, and I laughed.

We talked endlessly about anything and everything. I was surprised how easily we could talk to each other. We never ran out of things to talk about, even when we we're eating, we'd still be talking. We really hit it off.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past us, and I couldn't help but wrap my arms around myself, shivering involuntarily. Dang, I should have brought a jacket.

Cameron noticed this and said, "I'd offer you my jacket, if I had one."

"No, i'm fine really," but my body seemed to go against me as I shivered again.

"Doesn't seem like it," then he grabbed the basket, and looked around inside, finally bringing out a beige colored blanket. "Here." He wrapped the blanket around me, but kept his arm on my back. He rubbed circles in an attempt to keep me warm.

"Did you plan this?" I asked suspiciously.

Cameron's cheeks pinked slightly, "No, I'm just prepared." I eyed at him even more before he sighed in defeat. "I was a Boy Scout when I was young."

My eyebrows raised and I began to laugh, "What?!"

He rolled his eyes, then saluted, "On my honor, I will do my best. To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight." The whole time I was giggling at his Boy Scout oath. "Shut up," Cameron pushed me playfully. "I know I wasn't exactly the coolest of kids before."

"Yeah I can tell," I said, trying to hold a fit of giggles. "So are you going to tell me you had big glasses, and braces too?"

I watched as a smile crept up his face. "Funny you mention that," then Cam gave me a knowingly look. 

I sat up straight. "No way!" I exclaimed.

Cam swung his head back and laughed at my reaction. "Yeah," he said rubbing his neck with a nervous smile. "I had these braces before, which were always the color pink because my dentist only had pink brackets. My glasses were rectangular and big, making my eyes appear to be ten times their size. It was pretty embarrassing. I try not to look back at those times." Cam's arm around me tightened, and I pressed myself against him.

"Well, I think 10 year old me would still have a crush on you," I replied and we both grinned cheekily.

After a while of just smiling each other, Cam made us lie down on the cliché blanket, and we gazed at the stars. With his boy scout expertises, he pointed out as many constellations as he could. However, majority of the time I didn't pay attention, for I'd be too mesmerized by Cam's handsome face. I'd watch his ocean-like eyes dart from star to star and, his soft brown hair sway with the wind. Then I'd wonder how lucky I was to be with him right now.


The clock noted that it was currently 11 o'clock. Being the gentleman he is, Cameron tried not to stay out too late. We left the small meadow at around 10 o'clock, and he told me that this wouldn't be the last time we'd hang out there. I was happy to hear this for that small clearing in the forest was beautiful. The stars shined brightly

He parked his car several blocks around my house, which was odd in my opinion. "Um, my house is still up the road, Cameron or did you forget?" I said.

"No I didn't forget, Faith. I'd never," he replied. "I just wanted to walk you home." He held out his hand to help me out of the car, and he never let go.

Though our walk was silent, I still enjoyed it very much. Shivers would constantly run down my back with the slightest touch of Cameron's shoulder. We had our hands interlocked and sometimes our shoulders would bump. At one point, he put his arms around my shoulder but still never let go of my hand. My chest pounded rapidly at his gestures of affection.

Once we reached our destination, he untangled himself from me, and I followed him to the footsteps of my house. We turned to face each other and he said, "I'd really like to go out with you again, Faith." He took a hold of both of my hands and rubbed his thumbs on the back of them.

A blush crept up on my cheeks, and I wanted to look away from him in embarassment but couldn't because the emotion in Cameron's eyes captivated me. We stared at each other for a while until he began to lean in closer. His eyes glanced at my lips and I, on his. His well-defined pink lips were slightly parted, and I wondered how they would feel on mine; if they were soft as they looked to be. I could hear a drumroll play at the back of my head as he came closer and closer. Soon, I felt his breath fan on my lips and, our breaths mixed together. My heart walloped like it was going to explode out of my chest.

Our lips were only a centimeter apart when I whispered his name like a beautiful secret meant only for me, "Cameron."

"Yes, Faith?" I could feel the movement of his lips on mine. With just a little push we would be kissing, and the aching on my chest would be relieved.

"I - I don't kiss on the first date," I struggled to say. It was a rule of mine, and right now, I wanted so badly to break this rule, to make an exception so I may kiss this brown-haired beauty, but I couldn't.

I was scared an awkward silence would fall upon us, that he wouldn't want to go on a second date with me. Instead he just smiled and pulled away. "Okay," he said, his eyes not leaving mine as he placed a hand on my cheek. I closed my eyes as Cam planted a sweet tender kiss on my forehead. "Until next time then."

I leaned on his hand on my cheek. "I'll look foward to it."

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