Chapter 7

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After months of planning the wedding everyone was exhausted. Amu whined as It's woke her up this morning. "Get up! Your wedding is in 5 hours!" Amu shot out of bed. "What?!" Utau sighed shaking her head dragging Amu downstairs. "Kukai, and Nagi are helping Ikuto get ready" Rima was downstairs getting everything ready so they could help Amu get ready.

Rima smiled pointing twoards the Amu's dress. "One we finish your make-up you'll put it on" Utau sat Any down in a chair and began doing her make-up. It was a strawberry pink lipstick, with light pink eyeshadow, with black eyeliner and soft pink blush. Amu smiled as Utau finished her make-up.

Amu was rushed into the bathroom to changed in the dress... Alone of course. Amu smiled as she changed into a long silky white dress, with thin straps, small cuts on the sides. She spun around giggling. As Amu opened the door Utau and Rima squealed and helped her fix the dress a little bit. It was an hour to the wedding.

-With Ikuto and the guys-

Ikuto growled annoyed "I don't need help getting ready!" He sighed shutting his door getting changed quickly walking down stairs where Nagi and Kukai were still. "Everyone ready?" Nagi asked opening the door to head to Amu's place.

The wedding was going to be held in her backyard. It was just going to be us no-one else. "I hope they have everything ready" Ikuto sighed as they all walked out the door heading to his soon to wife's place.

-Back with the girls-

"Ok! Everything's ready! The boys should be here soon.... And we...Rima!! We still need to change!!!" Utau screamed as her and Rima ran upstairs quickly getting changed, Amu followed them both upstairs smiling as they ran back and forth, it took them about 20 minutes to get ready.

Amu sighed as the door bell rung. "We'll get it, Amu stay up here, Ikuto can't see you yet!" Amu stayed put. They all went to the backyard, the pastor soon showed up and went to the backyard awaiting the bride to come. Ikuto smiled as he stood up at the alter waiting for Amu.

Utau and everyone else stood up as the music played, and soon after Amu was walking downstairs and to the backyard, down the aisle. Ikuto blushed at the sight of her. She looked amazing he thought.

"We are gathered here today to join Hinamori, Amu and Tsukiyomi, Ikuto..." Everyone sat in silence. Until they heard someone crash the wedding, Amu's ex Tadase. "Amu, you can't honestly marry him!" Amu sighed annoyed. "Get out of here you little creep!" Utau yelled getting up. Kukai glared at Tadase. "Amu belongs with me!"

The pastor stared blankly. "Uhm...?' Amu sighed. "Tadase is my ex, I left him because he cheated on me, stole my money, and tried to rape me..." She frowned, Kuaki and Nagi both got up and chased after Tadase. "Don't worry Amu we'll deal with this pest..." They both grinned as they dragged Tadase out of Amu's backyard, punching him, and kicking him, Kuaki bashed his head opened. Tadase could barley move, Kukai and Nagi both rejoined everyone in the backyard.

"What'd you do?" The smiled "He's slowly dying" The pastor sighed. "Now where were we... Oh right! Tsukiyomi, Ikuto do you take Amu, to be your wife, to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?" "I do" he smiled at Amu as she blushed "And do you Hinamori, Amu take Ikuto, to be your husband, in to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?" "I do" she smiled as they both put the rings on each other's fingers. "Well I suppose you may now kiss the bride!"

Ikuto smiled pulling Amu close to him kissing her gently. "Kukai, go ahead and marry Utau today too!" Utau smiled her and Kukai got married, she felt a little bad though because it was Amu and Ikutos day.

Amu sighed as everyone went home. Ikuto hugged her from behind. "Hey strawberry... Let's go upstairs." He grinned pulling the straps down from her dress kissing and nibbling on her shoulder. Amu blushed, as a moan escaped her mouth. "I-ikuto...." He chuckled picking her up taking her upstairs.

To be continued!

What Amu and Ikuto do will be in the next chapter! I'll try to be detailed but not too detailed I don't wanna get in trouble for it -_-
See you soon Minna!

Love ya!

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