Chapter 14

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Previously on No one has to know...

"Mad you might want to go open it." Light said. Mad went to open the door to reveal a man huddled up in the corner. "Stop ri-right there or I will hurt you." The odd thing thing was he looked like Mad, but what Mad said next explained why.



"Cry? Is that you?" Mad said with a shaky voice as if he was about to break down.

"wh-who are you how do you know my name?!" Cry asked as he glared at Mad. Mad who removed his mask got down on his knees. "brother it's me, It's Mad." He said as a tear escaped his eyes and slid down his face. "Ma-Mad?" Cry said now the one with tears spilling from his eyes. "it can't be you-you died they told me so...NO this isn't real you're a fake! You work with them! The people who want to kill me!" Cry yelled as he tried to back away but there was a no more space to back up to. "N-No Cry it's me! It's Mad!" he said as he slowly got closer to him. "Cry its me. I can prove it to you. We were taken from our home as kids by the man who killed our parents. He had me kill a little girl or he would kill you. At first I refused and he gave you that scar on your arm. I got my scar from saving your life when that man was gonna hurt you, but I didn't let you help me I made you leave. Cry please believe me when I say it really is me Brother."  Mad said as he reached out his shaky hand to him. Cry looked at his hand then back at his brother with tears that were rolling down his face like a waterfall. "Brother!" he said as he gave Mad a huge hug. At first Mad was taken back but soon grabbed his brother into a tight hug. As they cried Dark looked shocked that Mad his tough emotionless friend was in tears, Anti just smiled Light wore a happy expression, and Glitch well he was about to break down in happy tears. You stood there so happy that Mad found his brother. 

We all ended up setting up camp there for the night and the next day we would head home. Cry was still a little shaken up. At first he was scared of us but Mad told him that we would never hurt him. He later explained to us well mostly Mad that he had manage to escape this man who was using him as a slave but was going to sell him. Mad was angry and wanted to know everything about this man he wanted him dead. Dark, Anti, and him were talking about ways to hunt and kill this man. Glitch had fallen asleep and Cry was eating because it looked like he hadn't eaten in years. Light and I were at the window of the run down house just staring into the dark woods. "so how are you?" Light asked "I'm fine how are you?" you replied "I'm grand as well, but I mean how are you with Mad's brother?"  "what do you mean he seems fine to me." you replied looking at him. "he just seems like hes hiding something." Light said as he continued to look forward. "well he has been trapped-" "wait. There is something out there...." Light said "what is it?" "I don't kno-Y/N watch out!" Light said as he pushed you to the side and took a hit of what looked like a pink light beam. "Light!" you yelled. All the guys looked at you and ran towards your aid. The door to the side of us was kicked in as Willford and The Host walked in with two other men behind them.  "well looky what we got here The Host it's the whole damn group!" Willford said with a smirk. "The Host likes when all his victims are in one place." The Host replied. Dark and Anti got up to attack them when they blasted both Anti and Dark toward the wall where Glitch was holding tightly on to Cry who looked like he was protecting him. Anti landed on his arm and looked like he was in pain. Dark got a piece of wood stabbed into his side that was sticking up from the floor. "DARK!" you yelled as you were about to run towards him when a force pushed you back. Mad went to your side and you saw his eyes go blood red as he stood up and attacked The Host and the two guys. Mad ended up being slammed into the floor in front of a  crying Glitch and Cry.

Willford's arms began to produce a a bright pink smoke as The Host had a a dark red smoke come out of his arms and his eyes were bleeding heavier than Dark's wound. As they went to attack the people who you held close to your heart now. Something clicked in you as you ran in front of them and as in protection and yelled "LEAVE THEM ALONE!"  Right when you said that you felt something leave your body as all four men flew back and knocked out. You opened your eyes to see your arms glowing and bright golden color. You looked at your arms in shock "Ah! what is this get it off! Get it off!!" you said as you ran around wiggling your arms to shake off the light coming out of them. "y/n. Calm down." Mad said as he stood up "Ahhhhhhh! It's gonna kill me!" you yelled even more but this time now Glitch and Cry were both trying to help you get it off.  "It's gonna kill her!" Glitch yelled as he tried to blow out the light as if it were a candle. Cry got a bottle of water and poured it on your arms. "It doesn't go out!!" Cry yelled. "Alright enough!" Mad yelled as we looked at him frozen in place. "guys Dark and I kinda need some help mostly Dark." Anti said "oh right! y/n don't do anything stupid." Mad said as he went by the guys side. "ughh.." we heard and saw Light waking up. "Light help!" you yelled "wit-with what?"  he said as he opened his eyes and stared in shock at my arms. "Stop being Shook and help! It won't stop!" you said in fear. Light was sitting up when we heard Willford. "what the bloody hell happened?" he said as he held his head. You all looked at him he saw your arms and pointed a gun at you. "Ah! Go to sleep!" you said as you accidentally shot a golden light thingy at him and he knocked out. "y/n you got your powers." Light said as he walked towards you. "well that's great now how to I get rid of them?" 



also sorry about not updating much plz don't hurt me!

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