Chapter 5

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Mad appeared with Sam and Dark. "What the hell are you doing y/n?!" Dark said angrily "I have no idea what your talking about I just came for a walk." You said back "where's Anti??" Sam said. "Who?? I'm sorry I don't speak green eyeball" you shot at him. He just growled and you stuck your tongue out at him "y/n enough where is he? We need to give him his medicine!" Dark said "I need to tell your something first. Dark do you know what that medicine does to Anti? Have you ever took the time to ask him?" You said to Dark "no but I know he needs to take it.!" He said "Dark that's medicine hurts Anti. It makes Anti weak!!" You yelled "what? Sam you told me it was helping him" he looked at Sam "no its to help Jack!" You shot at Sam "ok and Jack made me I take care of him and if that means killing Anti well so be it!!" Sam said "wait a minute so your telling me you want to kill my best friend?!" Dark said grabbing him by the sweater "what are you gonna do Dark I'm not scared of you." Sam said "oh I know your not scared of me but you are scared of him" Dark said passing him to Mad. Mad just smiled the scariest smile in the world "hello~ Sam" Mad said "Mad please don't hurt me I'll do anything I'll pay you I'll give you anything you want!!" Sam said scared "what I want? What I want is for YOU to stay the hell away from my family!" Mad said with his eyes glowing red "ok ok I will. I promise" Sam said "oh I know you will but to make sure you do" Mad said as he let go of him an rolled up his sleeves. Mad had a big snake tattoo on his s left arm and he started to hiss like a snake and say things in a different language. The snake on his arm started to awake from his arm as it came down him arm to the ground over to Sam. "No no please Mad no!" Sam said scared to death. The next thing you knew the snake was inside if Sam's tank. Dark grabbed you and covered your eyes. All you heard was a yell of pain come from Sam. Once Dark uncovered your eyes you turned as saw Sam on the floor with a bite mark going into his eye and he was crying out blood and the snake was finding its way back to Mad's arm. "Anti you can come out its safe!" You yelled out . You saw Anti peek out from a tree "are you sure?" He asked "Anti your safe I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you" you said and he came over to you and gave you a big hug. You were taken back at first but soon hugged him back. "Ahem." Dark said looking at you guys "ugh shut up Dark!" You said playfully pushing him. Anti went up to Sam "go fuck your self Sam!" Anti said as he kicked him in the tank. We all went home after that.
Hey guys sorry that's its so short I just don't have that much time to update because I have other books but I promise I will update longer soon and please check out my new book called just a high school crush (markipilerxreader) so yeah bye

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