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Btw, if I don't follow the story line from the actual anime/manga then I did it because this fanfic is made by me and I don't always have to follow the main plot. Hope you guys understand. Hope you enjoy.

Click, click, click. That's the sound my shoes made as they made impact towards the cement ground. As I approached the main entrance, many students ran past and all was heard was chattering, laughter and yelling. The glow from the calming sunrise covered the whole school, making it look more pleasant. I trod through the open doors and head to the main reception to find out what class is mine.

The inside of the school didn't look as bad as I imagined. I pictured more of school where glum students that were slouched over pacing extremely slowly to their classes and the walls were painted with dark colours. I'm probably thinking like this due to my previous school.

While I admire the school and have a look where things are located, I accidentally bump into a student with brown hair, hazel eyes and had a bit of a baby face.
"Oh my goodness, my apologises." I immediately say.
"It's quite alright, besides it was my fault, anyway are you new? You seem to be lost." He replies back.
"Yeah actually I am, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)," I explain.
"Wow, I didn't even introduce myself, I'm Akira Fudo." He says.
"Nice to meet you Akira." I say. He nods and asks if he can show me around the school. I obviously accepted his offer and a second later we are walking towards the reception. I have a feeling things will be a lot better than before.

- Time skip brought to you by Devilman -

After half an hour of a tour around the school, I say my goodbyes to Akira and head to my class. In just about a minute I make it there, I open the doors and all eyes suddenly switch to me and my anxiety levels are flying through the roof right now. I was getting uncomfortable standing in the middle of a door way, so I call over the teacher,
"Sensei?" I call over his attention.
"Hmm, yes, oh right, your that new transfer student - please come to the front." He replies. So I shuffle awkwardly through the seated students, trying my very best not to make eye contact. I finally get to the front and obviously introduce myself.

When I finish, I get seated at the back corner which I'm quite happy with and take out a pencil and begin to take notes. A while passes and I just glare at my notebook realising I just doodled in it. I close my notebook not giving a care in the world and considering it's my first day, I don't really care what happens in my lessons.
An ear-piercing bell rung stating that it's lunch break. Everyone stands up and leaves - so do I. I follow a huddle of people to see where they are going now. Everyone is making there way to the cafeteria so I carefully follow behind so they don't see me.

Some people walk out doors that lead to the yard with the fountain in the middle and small group of students walk up the stairs most likely going to the rooftop to eat. So I don't look like a pathetic loner, I walk around searching for Akira. The only person that I know in this school. I politely ask some people around until I finally find him running on a track with a couple other kids.

I run over and walk through the greenish-blue coloured gate and take a seat in the shade, watching the runners go round a track. It's quite peaceful actually. Small quiet talk was heard but I could just make out somethings, barely. While I watch, there is this one girl, with the name 'Miki', as heard from conversations which is the fastest runner out of everyone. I was astonished. She makes it snd is clearly first. Unfortunately, Akira came last. Poor guy. He eventually walks over to these boys so I take my chance and head over.

When I get there, I notice that Akira had his face covered in petit rivers streaming down quite quickly.
"Akira, Are you okay?" I asked concerned. He points down at one of the boys phone as he sniffles. I looked down and see that the boys were watching the news and someone had lost someone - a team mate actually. Out of no where, Miki shows up and also notices that Akira is crying. The boys also knew so they asked Miki if she knew why, and she just told them not to worry about it.

I tell Akira that everything will be okay and that he shouldn't cry. He nods in agreement.

-Another time skip cus I'm lazy-

It was the edging closer to the end of school and a lot of students whispering could be heard and some were cheering just so they can go home. I didn't really care, I'm just happy to be in school for the first time ever. I write down some notes to memorise since a test will have to be attempted soon. I wasn't really that hyped to go home since there is absolutely nothing to do at home. Maybe I could meet up with Akira and hang around with him.

While I contemplate and overthink some things, I hadn't noticed that everyone had already left. I quickly gather my things and run out of the school. A couple if students just roamed around, either because of a club or they were on some sort of school duty. Anyway, I pull out my phone and earphones from my bag and plug them into my phone. I turn on the Devilman soundtrack, because it's really good, and head home.

When I'm walking, I come across Akira and Miki and somebody else.
"Hey Akira!" I shout. He turns around and so do the other girls. He waves and walks over to me smiling.
"Heya (Y/N), what's up?" He says.
"Just heading home, nothing special..." I reply
"Oh we're not, oh by the way, the one with the same colour hair as me is Miki and the one with more of a reddish colour is Miko" He says to me. I wave to them smiling and they do the same back.

Instead of being boring and lame, I decide to ask if I could tag along and they all agree. Just in case, I call my mom that I will be out for a little while and she's says that it's alright.

We slowly travel around the town, talking about past stories and embarrassing ones too. A while passes and we arrive at a dock. Miko had to go home straight away, she just tagged along because this is the way to her house. Akira ran off somewhere and Miki was lying down by the end of the dock. I decide to lie down by her.

"Hey..." I calmy say
"Hey," She says back.
"Are you alright, you seem kind of quiet..." I explain "Unless you want to be quiet and be in peace.."
"Oh yeah, I'm okay, just I like to lie down here because the colours in the sky are very calming and satisfying to watch and the breeze from the river makes it 10X better." She remarked.

I nodded. So I can understand her more, I lie down next to her.... and she was right! The sky is bewildering. My eyes glistened from the perfect spectrum of colours.

Out of the blue, we both heard footsteps edge closer to us. This has interrupted our soothing trance. We stand up to come across 3 delinquents.

Oh boy...

I hope you liked that, sorry for not posting sooner, school was in the way. Anyway, the next chapter might come later today or early in the morning tomorrow.Btw, tell me on what I should improve on, because I feel like this is shit. Anyway, 1360 words - 5:39pm - Jay signing off.

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