Package from The Unknown

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Hey Guys! I am back from a creative slump and decided to try something new. After reading creative Disney fan-fiction from talented writers both here and on DeviantArt; it got me inspired.
I am combining my love for Disney and Ghibli so please don't roast me. Ophelia is closing up shop one evening when receives a mysterious package. Shiawase means "happy or good fortune" and Usagi means "rabbit". Shiawase Usagi Bakery is a three-story building. The first floor consists of the bakery along with kitchen and pantry. The second floor consists of two bathrooms a walk-in closet, and master bedroom for Minnie and Ortensia. The rooms on the third floor were originally made for storage but Minnie and Ortensia expanded more and made one of the rooms into Ophelia's room and the other an extra guest room. With that note, onto the story.

Ophelia was a young adult who always had a calm, peaceful life. She lived with her cousin Minnie who was dating Ortensia on the third floor of the Shiawase Usagi Bakery near Akihabara Electric Town. She knew little about her parents when she was young, and she barely remembers anything about them now. She wasn't sad though; she had Minnie and Ortensia who raised her like their own child. Each day she helped around the bakery; she assisted with baking and taste-testing, gathering the supplies, packaging, and delivering them all across the town with the company's delivery van. While Akihabara Electric Town was a busy booming town of electronics, maid cafes, and its occasional festivities, it did not appeal much to the young doe. The bumbling streets, the loud noises, not to mention it was full of disrespectful perverted 'beefcakes' the one thing she despised the most. Being naturally attractive, many guys tried to flirt with the pretty small doe. But along with being a delivery girl, many began to realize that she was much tougher than they thought; having overprotective parents like Minnie and Ortensia was also a bonus. So how did she cope with such a busy lifestyle? By doing what she loved the most; by using her DIY planetarium projector for stargazing or watching her favorite dramas. Here she could unwind and imagine herself in these stories. She loved living with Minnie and Ortensia, but sometimes she still felt lonely and no one could understand this feeling. Sometimes she wondered if there was someone or something beyond this bustling town.

One evening while closing up shop for some time to herself, she was watching an English education program. While working in the bakery is fun, she still had to be diligent in her studies. Despite the ridiculously dressed teacher and classroom theme, Ophelia loved this man's personality, enthusiasm, and dedication to teach; if only some of the local male residents were more like him. "Let's practice your English!" spoke the teacher. "Today we will be learning how to introduce.." She chuckled at the silly introduction; sometimes the teacher antics were too much. "Studying again Ophelia?" a soft voice called as Ophelia paused her show. Her doting cousin Minnie walked up to give her a hug. "You're always studying and helping us so much. How about a break? Me and Minnie were planning a girl's night out." asked Minnie's girlfriend Ortensia while joining the hug-fest of the smaller girl. Ophelia sighed but chuckled softly; sometimes she felt more like Minnie's child than her cousin. "Sounds fun girls, but if it's okay with you, I'd rather stay home tonight." her ears drooped a little trying to persuade the older girls.

"Aw Ophelia sweetheart, you always say that! Come on, please! You at least deserve a break from working so hard!" Minnie pouted, concerned and Ophelia's ears went down; 'here it comes'.' " Your ears are drooping again sweetie. If you're worried about any perverts, Minnie and I have got you covered." she reassured as she glared at any male who so much as looked at Ophelia wrong. "Yeah just let us know, and we will handle it."Minnie said as Ophelia grimaced; she recalled a delivery incident at the karaoke bar with a drunk perverted male leopard. 'It would've been a lot worse if the police didn't arrive in time.' Ophelia thought; she sometimes wondered what Minnie and Ortensia were really capable of, but she never questioned it. 'No. They are always doting on me and deserve a night to themselves.' Ophelia thought. 'besides I've taken enough classes on self-defense to take care of myself.' "Don't worry about me. You guys deserve to have a night all to yourselves. Besides someone has to watch the shop while you're away right?" she smiled trying to sound convincing. "I guess you're right," the two older girls nodded, as Ophelia sighed a breath of relief focusing on her show. "but you're definitely coming shopping for the Koigamine Cherry Blossoms Party with us!" Minnie said which caught Ophelia off guard, "But that's not for another five weeks."

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