#13 - you break up » luke

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You hadn't said a word the entire ride home. You got out of the car quickly, unlocking the front door. Luke followed behind you, equally as angry.

You guys had gotten in a huge fight at the boys house tonight. You guys were having game night when Luke got up to go to the bathroom. His phone lit up and the other guys were busy talking. You picked up his phone and read the text, "Miss you! xoxo" from a someone named Kristen. You were extremely angry but before you could put the phone down, Luke cleared his throat.

"Were you looking through my phone?" He hissed.

That was when the fight started. The yelling between the two of you made the other 3 boys sufficiently uncomfortable, causing them to leave. You stormed out the door and he followed close behind, still yelling.

The last thing he said before the silence began was, "I'm so fucking done with you." You figured he was bluffing. You guys had been fighting a lot lately, but that's what couples do.

You walked into the house, stomping up the stairs. You threw pillows and a blanket down the stairs, hinting he would be taking the couch tonight.


You woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a closing drawer. You looked to see Luke packing his bags. "W-what are you doing?" You stuttered.

"I'm leaving." He said, not looking you in the eyes.

You tried to speak, but only a small squeak escaped your throat. "No." Was the only thing you could say, and you said it repeatedly. He ignored your pleas and continued to pack. Tears poured out of your eyes and you started to take things out of his suitcase. "Please no."

"Y/N, stop! You're not gonna change my mind!" He yelled over your cries.

Makeup ran down your face as he stuffed the last of his things into his suitcase. He walked out of the room, you following close behind. "Luke, please, I need you." You begged.

"I'm sorry." he said, "I can't take this anymore." His voice cracked and he walked out the door.

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