The Beginning

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From the monent we are born, till the moment we fall off the face of the world into a plunging death, of cancer, old age, sickness, tradegty, murder, suicide, or whatever it may be, everything we do or everything we say is our decision. Not "Our" because as a person, I make my own decisions and you make your own decisions. Refrase: Everything you do and everything you say is your decision. No, that does not mean that the world revolves around you, but your life revolves around you. Its your life. Its all yours, go ahed so things. Fall in love, grasp oppertunities, stand up for yourself, make your dream come true. Your in charge.

I was born in the very late 90s. Whenever I say I was born in the ninteys, I get the accusion of "You were only there for a year, you know nothing" but if people actually listened to me, (which I know they dont) they would know that I enjoy eing born in the ninteys because it shows I lives in two different milleniums. Now before you say "Oh great this book is all about her who cares" and click off this selection, Its not. I wrote this for anyone that is having a shitty day, a shitty week, a shitty month, a shitty year, a shitty time all together. I know how it feels believe me. And if there is anything worse then being upset, its other people having some of the same problems as you and watching them suffer too. But I am here to tell you that it gets better.

So anyways, I was first born in my family. I grew up in a middle sized white house with a red door. We had too big of a backyard that had cyotes occasionally roaming around. It hink that may have been the reason my mom wanted to move first of all. It was eaither that or the fact that I almost got ran over by a truck on the busy road that was our "neighborhood." Growing up, my parents took me to florida as a little toddler. I liked it there, despite my fear of the sand and the water. I liked the sun and our condo we shared with my grandparents. I liked the environment as a whole. And after a few weeks in florida, my parents decided to get rid of the condo. It was dissappointing. That year I also was sent to the hospital 3 times in one month. I had asma. But not allergy induced, constant asma. I woke up in the middle of the night not being able to breathe. That year I missed 89 days of pre school, which later in life prevented me from going into kindergarten at the correct time. I would spend my summer days watching the Wizard Of Oz with my mother while breathing in sterriods of asma medication.

My mother was always there for me. She was my best friend. She was there through everything with me. We would go to the liberary together and play matching cards and she would let me win even though she practically knew where every cards match was. I was a pretty happy little girl. Later on that year my mother took me into the eye doctor where they told me I had a stigmatism. Apperantly it was rare to have such a bad stigmatism at my age. By the age of three I had my first pair of glasses. later my mom noticed my eyes were constantly crossed. I had to get surgury at the age of four. My little sister was also born at this time, so timing wasnt something in my families favor. 


Its hard to believe that over those few years just may have been my happiest. Because it is true, the older you grow, the more things make sense to you, the more you see life and the world for what it is. Think of a gigantic chess game. You move a few pieces out, some times you get jumped and sometimes you move backward. But there is always that one step closer that makes you closer to winning the game. You can go ahead and blame your loss on the other person, say its unfair, and bitch about all the "cheating" they did but at the end of the day, its your statagey that wins you the game.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2014 ⏰

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