Chapter 1: School Injury

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The alarm blasted through my ears as my head jerked up almost hitting the frame behind my bed. I sighed as it kicked in what today was. I was transferring to a new school today. How fun! As I began to get ready, I thought about how today was going to be.

Hallways full of kids I don't know and possibly already dislike. Rooms filled with judgement and bullies. If only dad knew what happened to me in school, maybe he'll a slightly bit more attention to his only daughter. But I understand he has a job and I love him with all my heart. His jobs actually pretty cool. But it involves him leaving a lot, since I don't have any siblings, I'm usually alone.

I shook the thought out of my head, as I stepped out the shower and put on my black crop top, and a pair of skinny kaki jeans. As I placed my vans on my foot, I thought about all the things I could be doing at the moment. Traveling with my dad, seeing all the games. He doesn't think it's safe for a fourteen year old girl to be going to soccer games and watching her father play.

Shaking yet another thought out of my head, I grabbed my bag and phone running down the stairs to the entrance of the house yelling goodbye to my mom who was making breakfast for herself in the kitchen.

Walking the small amount of blocks to school, I had finally arrived. I knew it was gonna be hell the moment I saw all the kids screaming, laughing, and just the normal loudness. I didn't know anyone and instantly felt small. I sighed finally stepping foot into the school building, hoping that I could get through the first day in one piece.

Sitting in the office I waited for the secretary to hand me my schedule so I could at least know my locker number and classes. As I sat on the uncomfortable chair, the door sprang open revealing a boy with brown comb over styled hair, burst through the door with a teacher behind him.

The teacher practically threw him onto the chair next to me and began to rant to the secretary about the young boy next to me.

"Brooklyn is doing his thing again, can I hold him in here for maybe five minutes so I could calm down." The secretary simply smiled nodding her head and gestured the man teacher out the office. I looked over to who I believed was the Brooklyn they mention as he caught my blue/green eyes. I felt my checks heat up when he smiled at me. Shaking it off I looked straight ahead, covering the side of my face with the beach waves of brown hair on my head. I felt something pocking me and found Brooklyn's finger tapping my shoulder

"Yes?" I question, flipping my hair to the side so he was able to see my face. He removed his finger saying "I've never seen you around?"

"I'm new here." I said blackly finally becoming interested on the bracelets around my wrist. I felt him get closer and said "welcome." I mouthed a thank you as the secretary called out my name "Skylar Ramos."

I stood up walking towards the desk grabbing my schedule and quickly walking out. Before I did, I glanced at Brooklyn and saw the confused expression on his face, it seemed questioning. I smiled and checked my paper seeing the locker number and the classes I need to take, quickly walking to them with a smirk still splattered on my face.

There are lots of befits from being a Criminal Profilers daughter. Your taught how to read people, I've been a master since I was seven years old. My mother had taught me the small signs of lies, fear, anger, etc. I could read someone like a book at a first grade level. I could tell every time they looked at me, it was a look of disgust or hate. Sometimes jealousy and other times intimidation.

That's what I'm seeing right now, in the eyes of a boy about a foot taller then me. He had pushed me against the locker and now I was on the floor. I didn't even know why they were doing this, I tired taking it in but it would work. Pain struck through my side as I felt a foot go into my it.

After about two kicks I heard someone yell "Stop what the fuck are you doing!" That voice sounded familiar was it Brooklyn?

"What the hell are you guys doing?!" Brooklyn yelled pushing the guy onto the lockers dropping him into my position. "What's wrong with you?"

I heard the boy next to me laugh "calm it Beckham, I was just trying to mess with a new kid, what's the problem we used to do this all the time?" I felt a hand grab hold of my arm. "Yeah used to, plus she's a girl, why the fuck would you try to hurt a girl?" The guy just laughed getting off the floor and said "whatever Brooklyn, it's yours now."

Brooklyn gripped onto my arm and lifted me off the floor. Thank god the hallway was empty, I would have wanted all the attention. I shook my head blinking a few times as I looked at Brooklyn who stood in front if me, looking at my stomach. I glanced at him then back to my stomach. there was a huge purple bruise on it's tanned skin. "I'm fine thanks for the help."

"No your not.." He trailed off looking at my stomach. "It's turning purple."

"I think I'll be fine, Brooklyn." I said placing my hand onto my stomach and stepping away from him attempting to walk. This just caused a sharp pain to come across my stomach. I winced as low as I could. He grabbed my wrist and said "come on we're going to the nurse."

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