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Your POV

You left the twins' house after putting the baby stuff inside the house. Grayson asked why and protested you leaving, but you told him your mom would be worried.

Which was far from the truth.

She knew where you were, because you told her. Okay, maybe you didn't. You told her you were going to spend the night at Stella's. Not your boyfriend's.

Er- friend's???

You park your car into the driveway and head into the house, smelling the usual cinnamon candles that your mom always lit when company was coming over.

That only led you to worry about who was coming over.

"Mom" you shout from the front door, hoping she'd make an appearance from somewhere.

"In the kitchen" she yells back. You walk passed the livingroom, seeing it spotless. As well as the diningroom. Your feet softly padded down the hall to the kitchen, where your mom was cooking a large meal.

"What's going on" you ask, observing the pots, pans, and cooking ingredients.

She turns to you, wiping the flour off of her hands onto her red apron that says 'best cook'. It wasn't a very truthful apron. "Your gram, aunts, uncles, and cousins are all coming over for a family dinner." She said with a stressful smile.

"Oh?" Your fingers fiddle with the edge of the counter as you think about when you should tell your mom about Grayson. And how. "I was gonna ask you if you wanted to meet my boyfriend" you smile nervously.

She drops the stick of butter she had in her hand, letting it thud to the marble countertop. "Boyfriend?"

You slowly nod.

"Well why don't you invite him over for tonight? I'm sure your father would love to meet him as well." She always had hope that he would come home for dinner. He was always 'working late' or on 'business trips' but you both knew the truth.

He wasn't really in your life, being more present in the life of his Secretary.

You think about inviting Grayson, but you know he'd have to keep the institution stuff under wraps... For now, at least.

"Okay" you smile, glancing at the pot over boiling-over water on the stove. "Your water is boiling."

"Oh my gosh" she screams, turning down the temperature before you head to your room, admiring the setting you created.

White Christmas lights lined your walls, pictures of you and family, you and Stella hanging from the cord. The walls were plain white with a black trim on the baseboards. It was your favorite room in the house.

You sigh happily and drop your keys onto your dresser, bringing out your phone to click on Grayson's contact. You thought texting would be a little impersonal, so you called him.

It rang twice before he answered, "hello?"

"Hey, Gray. What are you doing tonight?"

You heard rustling on the other end, like he was getting off of the couch, "nothing i don't think, why?"

You smile against your will. You just liked the sound of his voice, speaking to you and only you. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over and join-in on the large family dinner" you laugh a little, hoping he would say yes.

"How large" he laughs back.

"Umm, three aunts, four uncles, nine cousins, and my gram."

"Damn" he says, "alright i'll be there. What time?"

"I think like six-ish? If you're early, that's okay. I have things to tell you anyway." You fiddle with your fingernails, removing the dirt from underneath.

"Okay, babe. No problem. See you tonight" he says.

"Great. See you tonight."

"Bye" he says before hanging up. Apparently 'i love you' is too much over the phone.

You dismiss it and lock your phone, setting it on your dresser as well before jumping on your bed. The soft, cold duvet engulfed your body and you felt comfortable enough to fall asleep. But you knew you couldn't.

Your conscious mind told you to get showered and ready for tonight. Which is exactly what you ended up doing.

Grayson's POV

The warm water ceases when i turn the glass knob, figuring i've been showering too long. I have to stop procrastinating.

What am i supposed to wear to meet my girlfriend's family?

Is she even my girlfriend? Do i have the right to call her that?

"No, you fucking idiot."

"Damn it" i sigh, realizing i haven't heard him since i left. Now he's back.

"Yeah i am" he gushes.

I hated the way he talked. It sounded like me, but he's nothing like me. He's vile and discriminative. He makes me think bad things whenever i'm at peace. He's the cause of my psychotic tendencies.

"You're the one who keeps giving into me" he reminds me. It was the truth. He was just there for suggestion. It was me who followed through with the murderous actions. I just did not enjoy the immense power he held over me. Over my mind.

My feet step onto the soft carpet just outside the tub and my hand reaches for the white towel i had brought in.

My eyes direct to the fogged mirror, seeing nothing but blobbed colored areas rather than a sharp image of the man i've become. I push my hand against the relfective glass and wipe away the fog, seeing wet streaks in my reflection.

I've changed since i was admitted.

I've grown bigger in muscle mass, due to the push-ups and other workouts i had done to stay fit.

"What a pretty boy."

I sigh and walk out of the bathroom, tightening the towel around my lower body to make sure it doesn't slip. I had to pick out an outfit.

But, what?

My closet door creaked as i opened it, displaying all the clothes i missed. Different clothes. God, i never knew how good i had it until i had none of it.

My hands pushed the different hanging shirts out of the way and i see a dark green button-down which would look good with black jeans and some dress shoes. The soft silk brushed against my arm as i pulled it out to place it on my bed.

The sheets were still a mess from where Y/n and i had left them this morning. I smile down at the memory-filled mattress and replay the night in my head. It was close to perfect.

I stride to the dresser that held my pants and shorts, etc. The wood looked almost brand new as it held my clothes within it.

As i pull out the black jeans, i realize something.

"You're not really Bailey's dad?"

"Shut up" i say aloud, banging the palm of my hand off the side of my head. Damn it, he is relentless.

I realized that i'd be meeting her whole family.

What if they know what i did? I can't tell them who i really am, can i? No mental hospital talk.

All of a sudden, i felt my heart rate speed up. This has never happened to me before. I've never been nervous to meet a girl's parents or family before...

So, why is it so different now?

Word count: 1205

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