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As usual, at nine o'clock at night we take all the "Patients" to bed, and as usual, I will also have ex-dreams like the ones I had at home before bringing them to this place.

   —Lying on my bed again, thinking that maybe things will be different this day, I feel like I'm dreaming again, the only way to get out of this place is to improve to be a normal person again Once ... but no, I dream again —.


I woke up on the deck of a large ship, the big waves are lashing against us and we rocked to the rhythm of the sea, many run desperate trying to control the situation around us

    —Who are we to challenge nature? —, was the first thing I mentioned when seeing what happened ...

Although it seemed a strong and robust ship, at times the blowing of the great hurricane winds, driven by the wrath of the sea, threw large pieces of wood crashing against each other, threatening to hit each one of us who were present, the moment comes when a man stands between us behind the deck, while he was free, far from this place in which I am now locked, I had read about him.

   —Porce León stands between men and the sea and inspires each of us to give our best, he says with a fervent voice that in the end the trip is worthwhile, that the fate that awaits us all is glory—.

Then he looks at me carefully, his gaze reflects indulgence towards my presence, as if it were a welcome intruder, once he has me under his incessant gaze asks my name —What's your name, beautiful lady? —. He said going down in the direction of me —Emily —i replied put with some force and hesitation for the way the ship was swinging.

   —Emily Frosst ... —, I said to clarify things more — And what makes a damsel like you, in this my ship? —, asked really in-credulous to see me, —I will go with you wherever you go, your cause is my cause and I will also make whatever it is that you are embarking, I know it is something bigger than I want to be part.

He looked at me with a certain appreciation, as if he had found in me the woman he needed to continue his journey. "He is very brave, Miss Emma, ​​we go to the fountain of eternal youth, where we already have the great destiny to live by the rest of the times- he said almost ecstatically, -I should accompany them on the trip, something as precious as eternal life will be very good for me- I said.

While we were sailing, he took me to his master bedroom where he offered me wine and a blanket to cover the cold, we talked about what we expected at the fountain and what we would do after being eternal, but after the great Ponce de León decided become his wife, indecent proposal.

   —Miss Emma, ​​you are a beautiful woman, with a dazzling beauty, I would like to make this man the happiest by getting tired of him—, he knelt in front of me and looked at me with nobility.

For now, something hits the ship with great force ... the men shout the name of their captain, he leaves me safely in his bedroom and then climbs quickly, curiosity invades me, so I approach them, I hear screams and voices that resonate between the masts.

   —I'm very impatient as I climb the short stairs that lead up ... I go out to see what happens and I see something that is scary and astonished at the same time, in the sky they were huge tigers with wings fighting against the great Makara in the seas, we were in the middle of that epic moment, in addition to the great beams, roars and grunts of the beasts, the sea continued to lash us, shortly after a weak voice sounded with enthusiasm.

   —Don't fear my men, this is not our battle and we should not perish like innocent men, this is just another obstacle that puts us to Mother Earth to lose faith, stay with me in the faith that we will reach our holy destiny—.

Ponce was a born natural leader, outside of that epic battle that not everyone could witness, we arrived at a ring-shaped island, in this place we disembarked to find our desire.

I look at my future husband Ponce de Leon and he looks at me with some satisfaction that I can not explain, —My loyal men are here, in this place we will carry out the ritual of the fountain of youth, it is our this caprice—, it sounded anxious .

    Ponce takes two rocks and puts them on two pedestals placed near him, takes two very bright glasses and proceeds to pronounce the words —Eternal Youth —, in Latin, the water inside the island in the form of an ani-llo began to rise towards the sky while the outside was intact, a drop the size of a tear passed between his two arms, which held the cups, lifted both with the drop in the middle and joined them at the right time.

A great pendant appeared in a strange way, it looked like a golden earring. —What do you want? —. His voice was impressive and it echoed through the spaces, it was even as if he could if he could hear his voice within me —Majestuosa divine figure, we ask him to grant me and each of my men the power of eternal life— , mentioned with great humility, because it was a different being He came, then we all kneel.

In truth, the great Ponce de León was very concerned about his words so as not to offend that divinity. That supreme being asked for something in return, at the moment one of the men of Ponce de León takes a drink.

   —I offer the Holy Grail, the cup in which Jesus Christ drank at the last supper before being betrayed, we ask for eternal life and, in exchange, we give him something that can also give it. He lifted the object in the direction of the majestic figure and waited for it to accept.

It was an unforgettable moment and it would be for any living person, ob-we would have eternal life in exchange for the holy grail. I accept your treatment. The Holy Grail disappears from the hands of man and the mythical being disappears, the waters rose in the form of a hoop and a hole was opened through which I could see a source of pure and clear water through rocks and green pastures.

All of Ponce de Leon's men line up one after the other in the hope that they will be given a sip of what appeared to be drinkable water from a fountain of youth. —You will be the first to drink from the fountain—. Take my beloved, he offered me the cup with great delicacy, once I drank from the waters that were through that well, I felt that my body was reborn, a great power like an anxious child waiting for the moment to play it invaded me, my skin became beautiful like my hair —I am eternal now— . I said joyfully.

    —Now, my faithful men, enjoy the glory for having followed to the end without dying. One by one, the men drank from the fountain, Ponce de Leon as a good leader did last, in doing so, the water fell back into place and the hole dissipated.

We returned to the ship happy that now that we were all eternal, Ponce and I would live the rest of our lives together and his men would take separate paths, —In the end this trip would not really have been worth it if I had not found you, dear,—he said, just as we were about to kiss, with his men behind us, I woke up!

Once again I had forgotten to close the window next to me, the cold that entered through that narrow opening of only entrance and no exit always woke me up, I approached her to close it, not without first poking my head and look towards the freedom, the height was almost seven meters, and the grass was not so abundant, I closed with a lot of frustration and thought that again I had returned to have those dreams that brought me to this place, but I did not regret anything, after all I am eternal thanks to Ponce de León!

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