I started to cry a little and hugged her.

"I will do as you say. For you were like a mother to me." I said.

"Ivar will forgive you. Keep that child safe. Many more shall come. I hope you listened to me and follow what I said." She said.

I nodded.

"Lagertha and Björn are probably wondering why I am taking so long. I should go."

She nodded and waved. I waved back. I had to be strong for Aslaug. She wants me to. And I will do exactly what she said.

"It is time for me to leave." Björn said.

I nodded and the three of us walked outside.

I hugged Björn and told him I loved him. Lagertha did the same and with that Björn was off with Halfdan, Harald, Rollo, and Hvitserk exploring the Mediterranean.

1 Week Later

I woke up. It was a restless week without Björn. I quickly got up and went to meet Lagertha because I knew what she had to do now.

Lagertha turned to me.

"You know what I have to do now." She said.

"Yes."  I said.

We walked to the Middle of the market and Aslaug was already out there. Lagertha walked uo to her. I saw the seer in the crowd and he nodded to me.

I nodded back in respect.

Lagertha was talking and then Aslaug said, "Ragnar and my son, Ivar, are dead."

"How do you know?" Lagertha asked.

"I saw it in my dream."

"Then you don't know."

Aslaug nodded and agreed.

The Ubbe and Sigurd walked to the crowd.

"If you let me walk away, you can still become queen." Aslaug said.

"Okay then." Lagertha said.

Aslaug walked passed her and continued walked until Lagertha shot her in the back. Aslaug smiled, knowing it was to end that way.

I cried and turned around because I couldn't see her dead.

Ubbe and Sigurd walked to there mother and I could hear them crying.

Lagertha walked to the great hall and claimed her throne as Queen.

I went to sleep that week thinking about what Aslaug said.

The next morning I woke up and Ivar was here. I could tell because I saw the boats.

Then out of nowhere I saw a flock of crows and saw my Odin.

"Odin?" I said running to him.

"Thana. I want you to know, Ragnar is dead." He said.

I froze.

"He was killed by serpents."

I nodded and started to cry a little.

"Go tell the sons."

"I already told Björn and Hvitserk. That was a week ago so he should be here soon." He said.

I nodded and let him continue his job.

Ragnar was dead. I saw Sigurd and the moment he saw Odin he knew Ragnar was dead. I heard Ivar scream and I knew that Ivar new because he found out his mother was dead and now his father.

I walked to the Great Hall and told Lagertha Ragnar was dead. She cried but after a few moments she stopped.

"We need to throw a feast or something in his honor." She suggested. At that moment the slaves got to work.

I felt my stomach and smiled at the bump the bump that was getting larger.

Lagertha did Aslaug's burial and I was there to. I couldn't contain my tears and after they burnt the boat she was in we called the townspeople for a feast.

After a while Ivar walked in with Ubbe following behind him.

He had an army and they grabbed everyone by the throat. Someone even grabbed me. I was struggling to get out of there grip.

(A/N Torvi is dead in this due to complicated child birth)

"I challenge you to one on one combat." Ivar said. I could see the determination in his eyes.

"I refuse. I refuse to fight you Ivar the Boneless." Lagertha said.

"Why." He asked.

"Because I don't want to kill you." She said.

"Who says you will kill me?" Ivar said and I have to admit the way he said it was hot.

Then Björn walked through the door. This caused me to struggle even more.

"If you kill her, my brothers, you'll have to kill me too." He said. I smiled knowing they couldn't.

"Maybe we should." Ivar said angry.

"Shut up." Ubbe said.

I laughed which caused Ivar to turn his head toward me. Björn quickly looked at me and said, "Let her go." Which the man did.

"I came back to avenge the death if our father and that is exactly what we're going to do." He said.


Ayyyeeee? How'd you like this horribke chapter😉😑😊😭. The timeline is so off and I went back and skipped so much. Plz forgive me❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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