unknown: oh well i know where she lives

ellehop: im kidding pretty boy, its me.

unknown: oh thank god

i quickly put mike's name in my phone.

ellehop: will's coming with us

prettyboy: so is max and lucas and dustin

ellehop: oh cool

ellehop: i gotta get pretty

ellehop: ciao

i put my phone down on my bed and walked to my closet and sorted through all my clothes, trying to find one outfit.


my phone started ringing as i started brushing my teeth. i walked out to my room and grabbed my phone off my bed. "hewwo?" i answered, my toothbrush still in my mouth.

"hey cutie." mike said. "i'm here, no headlights." i smiled as i spit out my toothpaste

he remembered.

"you can turn them on, joyce said yes." i told him and shut my light off, grabbing my purse.

"got it. get will too please, i'm driving him as well."

"cool. see you in a sec." i ended the call and put my phone inside my bra. i pounded my fist on will's door. "let's go!" i shouted. will opened his door, looking at me up and down.

"your first high school party, and you choose to wear that?" he scoffed. i was wearing skinny jeans and a flannel, nothing special. i smacked his arm and walked to the front door.

"bye joyce!" i screamed. 

"curfew is 12!" she yelled back. i opened the door and walked out, will shutting the front door behind us. i saw mike's blue pickup truck, and i opened the back door, jumping in. will hopped into the drivers seat.

"hey guys." mike greeted as will snapped in his seat belt.

"hi. don't look back here, i will snap your neck." i told the boys, who looked at me weirdly. i opened my purse, which had other clothes. "bought these with my biological sister kali, joyce doesn't know about them." i explained. the boys nodded and i turned around, changing into my new outfit. i changed into a deep red crop top that laced at the top, and a black leather skirt. i turned back around and buckled my seat belt.

"can we look?" will asked. he was watching mike to make sure he didn't look.

"yep. i'm done." i tied my white converse. mike looked at me from the rear mirror.

"you look pretty-pretty great." he coughed. i giggled and blushed, pulling my phone out of my bra. 

"gimme the aux cord please. i've been listening to buddy holly on repeat and i want to impress you guys with my sick skills." i reached my hand out, and will put the cord in my palm. i plugged it into my phone and played buddy holly, singing at the top of my lungs.


mike parked his truck on the street, four houses down from the house where loud music and bright lights was coming from. i slid out of the truck and gulped, playing with my silver ring on my index finger. i felt a hand on the small of my back, sending electricity down my back.

"don't worry, you'll be fine." mike told me. "just stay close." i nodded and watched will walk into the house. mike guided me inside too, the smell of alcohol and body odor overwhelming me. i gagged, and mike chuckled. "you'll get used to it." he dropped his hand on my back and grabbed my smaller hand. "let's go find everyone." he pulled me along, avoiding already drunk teenagers. 

max and lucas were already on the dance floor, grinding to the music. i looked up at mike for guidance, and he had a disgusted look on his face.

"hell nah. fuck meeting up with them, they look like they're having sex on the dance floor." he scowled. i giggled. he looked down at me, a good head separating us in height.

"lesson 3. alcohol." he smiled. i raised an eyebrow as mike pulled me into the kitchen, pouring something that looked like water in a red solo cup.

what is that? oh! hop puts it in his coffee when him and joyce are fighting.

mike handed me the cup with a smirk on his face. "it's strong, be careful." he warned. i put the cup to my lips and downed the whole thing.


hey i got accepted into high school today :)

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