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"We need to get these kids, load them up, and bring them to the extraction point wich will be the Clance mercy hospital!" Our Sargent yells as our truck pulls up to the school.

We hop out the truck and run into the school. I have my gun up looking for any potential threats.

Theres black smoke everywhere. You can only see a few small parts.

Cries of help and vain sweep through the schools Atmosphere.

Move down this hallway first!" our sergeant yells. 

I move to my room and shake the handle but its locked.

(Knock Knock) National guard open up! I yell through the door.

"Just knock it!" our sergeant yells.

I kick the door hard and the lock breaks.

Room clear sir! I shout to my sergeant.

"What the hell do you mean its clear!" He shouts at us.

"They went out the window!" shouts Dustin.

"You guy's get on there lead now!"

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