rules, payments, and more

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rules, payments, and more

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rules, payments, and more


where we show you the rules, payments, etc. you need to follow if you want one of our plots



-do not steal our plots

-ask nicely for the plot you want

-give the person who you adopted the plot from credit

-treat our plots nicely

-you can only have two plots from our shop so choose wisely

-follow the rules, payments, and extra info correctly

-put the "code" in your comment along with you saying you would like the plot

-do not hate on our plots

-make payments before you ask for the plot (applies to some payments; not all)

-the person who made the plot has the right to say "no"

-give credit in the description of the story and first part of the story

-have the first chapter (excluding playlist, epigraphs, prologues, etc.) up within a week of receiving the plot. this rule is flexible, so long as you discuss it with the owner of the plot.

-dedicate the first part of the story to the person who made the plot so they know that you have put up the book

-you must let the person you adopted the plot from know if you no longer want to write the plot



-you must follow this community permanently and all of the admins (must be done before you ask for the plot)

-if you unfollow us we will make the plot you took open again and we will report you

-give the person you adopted the plot from credit it the description of the story

-give the person you adopted the plot from credit in the first part of the story

extra information


-the "code" is your favorite person from ouat (besides pan)

-if you have questions about anything, ask the founder

-hope you enjoy our plots!

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