Chapter 1: A Childhood Crush

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People always say that if you love something, you should set it free. It's been around for a while, used for generation after generation, told to countless boys and countless girls over the years. As much as I find how beautiful this statement is, I despise how much it applies to me.

I can never forget the harsh words my parents had told me when I was young.. 

"Now remember Setsuka, no going goo-goo eyes over him"

I suppose I should back up and explain. "Him" is my long time childhood friend. His family and mine have known each other for awhile.The friendship we've shared is almost as ancient as a dinosaur fossil. We would meet each other every weekend, and would have a get together worth remembering for the rest of our lives.

"But.....why dad? If I love him, then I love him."

Lately, some of us have began to know each other.... in more ways... than friendship. We've began to show infatuation towards each other. It was destined to happen, seeing as how we've known each other for a while. 

"Our families have been allies, comrades and friends for a while. Why break that friendship for love? That would make our relationship awkward and may cause it to break."

In order to keep a level of, "respect", my family had banned us from falling in love with anyone from our "ally" family.

But it was already too late.  At least for me.

"I've known him forever, you have to allow me."    

It was inevitable, seeing as how we decided to meet every weekend. I slowly began to fall in love with childhood friend.

"You can't love each other, and that's final."

I stared at the rain falling outside of the thin window in my living room. I couldn't shake him, off my mind, no matter how hard I tried. He was more than my friend....... he's my childhood crush. He's Souta

My Souta.

The droplets of water ran down the glass pane, never to be seen again, just like my hopes and dreams of ever being with the love of my life.


There you are, first chapter of my new book! I hoped you enjoyed it. Guess what, you can now expect a lot more from me. So sit tight, it's gonna be a long ride!

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