The mansion of wonders

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I walked up to the rather large mansion then I turned around to look at the man and the women with a huge grin plastered upon my face the women seemed to notice me grinning at the two of them, she raised a single bushy eyebrow at me then she said "what are you grinning about hmm?" I looked her up and down while observing all of her features. She seemed to be about thirty years old, and she was a rather chubby lady; she was round as a fishbowl. Her fat fingers were large as sweet potatoes, and she had cheeto dust on left cheek, even though she appeared to be quite messy she wore a neat and expensive  suit yet her suit seemed to be two sizes too small for her and the suit practically squeezed the fat right out of her.
Her eyes were a dark coffee brown, and her hair was bleach blonde and her hair seemed to be fried from bleaching it so many times.
I then looked at the man, and unlike the women he was quite tall and skinny. His eyes were a deep blue, his eyes seemed to hold no emotion within them he seemed like a man of little words. His hair was quite fluffy and healthy looking, his hair was black as a raven. Unlike the women he was wearing more casual clothing, he wore a black tee shirt, black leather pants, and a pair of black dress shoes.
A pair of thick framed glasses sat upon his face along with a black top hat on his head. Once I was done with my observation I turned away from both the man and the women then I began to make my way to the mansion. I walked onto the old porch steps while my feet lightly pounded on each one of the steps and with every step I took the steps creaked and groaned. I warped my pale fingers around the door handle and I opened up the mansion doors then I smirked and bowed.
I held the heavy mansion doors open while the unsal couple walked in. the women looked at the paintings and she walked over to the painting of a lion with wings, she scoffed  and looked at me " what kind of painting is this?!" I glared at her and frowned slightly " that painting was done by my  grandfather and I would appreciate it if you keep your fat chubby fingers off of it" the woman's eyes filled with anger and she glared at me and in return of her glare I just simply smiled then I continued  with giving them a tour of the mansion.
I took them to the room downstairs and this room was the final room, I then turned around and locked eyes with miss fishbowl and hat " alright now this is the last and final room" the women rolled her eyes and pointed her chubby fat finger at me " well this last room better be the best room because it took for years to get here" I sighed and I shook my head at her then I opened up the door to the last room and soon after I opened up the door,  the women began to scream and she shakily pointed her fat french fry fingers at something that was sitting in the middle of the floor, on the floor was a beautiful raven black lion, he had bright yellow eyes that were nearly yellow as the sun itself, and on his back was a pair of large white wings, they were pure and white as the snow.
The lion gracefully walked towards the scared women and he then pounced on her and he began to lick her face while she started screaming " get this hideous beast off of me!!" I lightly chuckled then I rolled my eyes at the foolish women " kuro is not a hideous beast in fact he is quite friendly I think he may like you it's either that or he wants to eat you for breakfast" her eyes widened and she pushed kuro off of her then she grabbed her  husband's hand and she ran out of the room. I walked over to kuro and I ran my fingers through his long mane  " I guess you scared them off kuro"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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