"Um, I'm sorry but I'm not looking for a boyfriend right now. I just broke up with my boyfriend before I moved here." I said.

"Oh, it's fine sweetheart. Just in case you change your mind, here's my number." He handed me a slip of paper. I smiled and the bell rang. He was the first out of the room. I packed up my things and walked out of the class room. When I was outside, I went to a trash can and started ripping the piece of paper. I felt someone walk up beside me. It was Kurt.

"What'cha ripping up?" He asked. I smiled.

"Some dudes number. I told him I wasn't looking for a boyfriend right now, even though I was lying. I have my eye on someone else." I answered and threw the pieces in the trash can.

"Oh, who is the boy that gave you his number?"

"A dude named Tyler Ford."

"Oh, if I were you, I wouldn't mess with him. He's as bad as Puck. He has a different girl every week."

"Oh, I wasn't planning on it." I laughed.

"Good," He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Now, tell me who you have your eye on." I laughed.

"Sorry, but that's a secret."

"Well, I tried!" He laughed. He pulled me toward his group of friends.

"Did you have a good first day?" Blaine asked me.

"As good as the first day of school can get."

"I know how you feel. Be happy you didn't get slushied on the first day." Sam said.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"Well, we have to go. See you tomorrow." We exchanged numbers and everyone left except me, Sam and Finn.

"Sam, how are you getting home? Isn't your car in the shop?"

"Yeah, I'm walking home." Sam said.

"Oh, okay. Let me know if you need a ride later." Finn walked to his car.

"It was nice meeting you, Brenda."

"You too." I smiled.

"I better get going, it's a 10 mile walk to my place." He said and started walking.

"Wait, do you want a ride?" I asked. He turned around.

"No, no it's fine."

"Oh, come on. I don't mind. Hop in." I said. He walked toward my car. I got in and moved all of my stuff to the back. He got in.

"Thanks, Brenda. Nice car you got."

"Thanks,"I pulled my hair up into a high pony and started the car. The road we had to turn on was straight for about 5 miles. I turned on the radio. Kelly Clarkson's 'Mr.Know It All' was on. I started singing along to it as I drove.

"Mr. Know it All, well ya, think ya know it all, but'cha don't know a thing at all." I sang.

"You have a great voice." Sam said when the song was over.


"You should join Glee club. You'll have lots of fun in there." He said.

"I might, I'll think about it." I said and smiled. I was definitely joining, mostly because Sam was in it. And because it looked like Joe, Finn and Puck had fun.

"Okay, well this is my stop. Thanks for bringing me."He said and kissed my cheek. I blushed.

"Your welcome. See you at school tomorrow." I said, "Bye!"

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