Chapter 27

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-1 month later-
"Are you really leaving?" My mom asks with teary eyes

I put my hands around my tiny bump

It was small but noticeable

"Yes mom, we need to leave"

"But your so young" She frowns

Nick comes down the stairs with a box of my things

"Can I please help?" I beg him

He shakes his head "you can't carry things while your pregnant"

I frown and he kisses my nose "plus, I'm almost done"

"It also gives me a workout" he shouts from outside

"He's going to father your child" Daisy chuckles from the couch

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" I ask her one last time

She sighs annoyed "Elsa I'm positive, plus there's no space for me"

"There's plenty of space for my sister" I say sitting next to her

"There's a baby on the way" She points to my belly "no room for me"

I push her shoulder and Nick comes down with my last box

"Told you I was almost done" he shoots me a wink

I smile and roll my eyes

"So dad really isn't going to say goodbye?" I ask irritated

"Your father is just being stubborn, he'll come around" My mom touches my shoulder

"Now stop with all the stressing! It's bad for the baby" daisy smacks my shoulder

"This family stresses me out" I rub my face

Nick comes in "You ready?"

I nod and begin to hug my mom

She fans her eyes so She won't cry

Daisy giggles at me and we hug "I love you sissy"

I giggle too "I love you too"

"Make sure you call ASAP when it's almost your due date" She reminds me

"I Will" I smile at her

She gives me a sad smile

"Take care of her Nicky C" daisy eyes him

He puts his arms around me "I will, don't worry Daisy C"

I laugh at their Nicknames

Nick laughs and hugs daisy

He gives my mother a hug and she pulls his collar down "listen here carter you got my daughter pregnant, you better take care of her like your life depends on it, along with that baby, got it?"

Nick's eyes widened "y-yes ma'am"

"Mom!" I shout and yank her arm away from his shirt

Nick shakily fixes it

"Bye kiddos! Take care" My mom waves like nothing happens

I look at her like she was crazy and enter the car

Nick enters the car and I mumble "she's crazy"

Nick drives away from the house

And I can tell Nick noticed I was a bit upset

"Are you having second thoughts?" He asked me nervously

I quickly shake my head "of course not! It's just gonna feel so weird not being with them a lot"

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