"W-whose there?" I choked out while moving back in slight fear. 

When there was no reply, that was when I was genuinely scared. Then I felt a hot breath behind my neck and I froze in complete fear as I felt two arms wrap around my waist from behind.  

"W-who's there?" I stuttered out while shaking. 

"It's just me, Princess." Chat said while laying his head on my left shoulder from behind. "O-oh, it's just you." I sighed in relief. I swear, I really need to lock my trapdoor at night. 

"You scared me half to death!" I turned around to Chat, now facing him, looking into his forest green eyes. 

"Oh, I had no intentions to scare you, Princess." I soon felt Chat hold me Bridal-Style in his arms while caressing my cheek with his right hand. 

"I just needed someone to talk to for a while. I didn't have the best week this week, and it doesn't help that my house is lonely." I felt Chat move his hand from my cheek and holding me close to his chest. 

"D-do you want to talk about it?" I looked down, knowing I was the culprit of his distress. 

After a few moments, I then saw the cat-themed superhero give a small nod as he began to speak. 

"Last night, I let an Akuma get away and Ladybug was furious. After the battle, I gave her a rose as an apology, but she just smacked it out of my hand and said some things that crushed me."

I then noticed his jade eyes avoiding eye contact with mine and he sighed while continuing. 

"She asked me why I couldn't pay attention to the task at hand and that she had enough of my flirting. She then called me worthless and said she'll get the Akuma herself." 

Chat, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to crush you like that. I heald him closer by the neck, feeling warmth radiate from him. 

I wasn't thinking at all. I was just frustrated we let the Akuma get away. I didn't mean to take it out on you. 

"I'm sure she didn't mean it Chat." I sighed into his chest, tears forming in the corners of my eyes. 

"She might not have meant it, but she was right about one thing, Marinette." He looked back down at me, using my full name. 

"I am worthless. I'm just the sidekick, always lurking in Ladybug's shadow while never being actually acknowledged by the public." I heard him mutter while his eyes lost the electric look to them. 

"The only thing I'm known for is the cat with the stupid puns and lame leather get-up." He loosened then loosened his grip on me. 

I can't believe he thinks of himself like that!

I got out of his grip and looked him in the eye while talking to him in a stern yet caring manner. 

"You are not worthless, Chat. People may think you are just a sidekick, but you are so much more!" I heald his cheeks in my hands. 

"If it weren't for you, Ladybug will be suffering serious injuries or worse. Chat, don't ever call yourself worthless, because you're so much more to me and everyone else." I scooted closer to him. 

"But Marin-" He started, but I cut him off, looking deeply into his emerald green eyes. "Don't say otherwise. I can't stand to see you beat yourself down like that." 

I then held both of his hands, a comfortable silence falling between both of us. 

Moments later, I saw Chat move closer to me. "Why do you care so much about me, Princess?" Chat then interlocked his emerald gaze with mine once more. 

"Because I love you." I then broke the distance between us and kissed him softly on the lips in a loving manner. 

After moments of shock from Chat, he kissed me back while bringing me closer to him. 

A minute passed, which felt like an hour and Chat broke away. "Th-that was." Chat started.

"Amazing." I finished his sentence while Chat looked down at me with lidded eyes while cupping my cheek with his right hand. 

I leaned slightly into his leather hand while Chat leaned in for another kiss. Unfortunately, Chat's Miraculous beeped, ruining the perfect moment. 

"Heh, I guess that's my cue to go then." I felt Chat's hand leave my cheek, the spot now becoming cold. 

"I'll see you tomorrow night Princess~" Chat cooed while getting up and leaving through the trapdoor of my room. 

After he left and shut the trapdoor, I looked up in awe while Tikki flew from her hiding spot behind my computer. 

"I never knew how much I loved that cat," I mumbled half to myself while licking my lips, tasting Chat's lips one last time.

Welp! That happened! Anyways, I will try to post again every weekend. So sorry for not posting in a while and I hope in the future I will have an actual schedule for the One-Shots and fanfics. 

Stay safe and war my Cinnamon Rolls!~


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